1973-12-17_Agenda ---- AGE H D A CO~)N COUNCIL - as at 14th December, 1973. rl. I5U f~ ' ~. Meeting called to order, December 17, 'r' 2. Confi:rmation of minutes (December 3, 1973). 3. Mayor's remarks. -" 4. Two resolutions re Tax Rate, lQ74. 5. Report of Budget Committee re grants, 1974. 6. Motion re terlllS of reference of City Manager (COlU1cillor Mur phy) . Acrnm C IT! MANAGF..R ~"-'. Progresa payments re projects uMertaken un:ier Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme. B. Re wide nine Sandy Point Rd. at turn at grocery store. 9. November reports: Fire Dept. and Build.1ne; Inspection Dept. (including Plumbing Division); 1972 annual report of Fire Dept. lO. Payment of invoice for asphalt. 11. Payment of invoice for tapping sleeves and gate valves. 12. Payment ot invoice for sidewalk slabs, Cedar Point Mobile Home Park. 13. Progress paymont re 1973 capiu.l budget item: Simonds Vocational School swir.Jming pool. 14. Report re tenders for equipIilf)nt rental. - 15. Report re tenders for sand, gravel, loam and sod. 16. Report ro insurance quotations. 17. He sub-division agreement, ~'tage I, Highmeadow Park - Shamrock Realt;r Limited. 18. Re 8ub-division agreement, Monte Cristo Park Sub-di vision, Gault Road - 360 Development Co., Ltd. 19. Re energy conservation. 20. Authority to re-call tenders re Courtenp..y' Ba~r cuuseway eastern approach. 21. Re external trunk sewer, Spruce Lake Indw.stri&1. Park. 22. Report re proposed re-zoning of RiIlg land ott Millidge Avenue and Manners ~utton Road: City's interest. in long-term uevelopraent. ; 23. Letter from Chrysler Canada Outboard Ltd. re company's association with lour Seasons Sales and Servioe Ltd., Millidge Ave. (Grenville and Robert Ring). 24. Petition trom persons objecting to any re-7..oning in th6 generELl Mi1l1dgeville area to permit. light industrial and in particuhr the property of Grenville and Robert Ring; let-ter from Mr. Harry G. Colwell, Barrister submitting said petition (Mr. Colwell will be present at meeting re thia matter). 25. He garbage collection, Saint John East - Simonds Disposal Company Limited. 25A.Re Evelyn B.. Armstrong, 1416 Loch Lamond Road. '- COMMON ClERK 22. Invoice from Kates, Peat, Ma.ndck & Co. for fees and expenses, October, 1973, re consulting vlOrk. CI'l'I SOLICITOR 27. Re Carleton-Kirk United Church. lAND COMMITTEE 28. Re: conveyance to Province of New Brunawick of portion of Lomeville Rd. recently closed. 29. Re: closing portion of Rebecca St. and sale of same to Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint John. 30. He: sale of City-owned common passage oft Millidge Ave. to Arthur Lb'fftll, G60rge M. Barr, Ronald E. Calhoun and Mrs. Audrey D'Arcy, abutting propert:r owners. 31. Re: purchase of property from ~cartin Bros. Liuited, corner Dock and Union Sts. URBAN REm..'WAL 32. Re:demolition ot 97 Moore St. 33. Payment of award of Land Compensation Board re Chesley St. property of Brunswick Ready Xix Concrete Ltd. (realty and business disturbance). COMHITTI:ES 34. Committee of the \-!hole report (December 10, 1973). 35. Committee of the rmole report (December 3, 1973). 36. City Market Committee report re: (l) transfer ot lease to Frank J. Arseneau of Perry's Market premia8. (present lessee, Perry Janes); (2) new leas. for Betti-Brite Dry Cleaners. '37. Letter from Mrs. Dona.ld ~8ter requesting temporary location of mobile home of Mrs. Madeline Difazio at 291 Simpson Drive. 38. Planning Advisory Committee re request in November 29, 1973 letter from Mrs. Donald Lester tor permission for Mrs. Madeline Defazio to locate mobile home at said address, on COtlp&sUonate grounds. .39. Planning Advi 50 lj' Committee 1'6 assent to Manford Thompson Construction Co. sub-d.ivision plan for a portion of St. Anne Street. 40. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance or money in lieu of land for public purposes in eub-division: from Armie O'Dell. 41. Letter from Hr. Hubert P. McKenna, solicitor for Mr. Dante Foriere, seeking Council's approval ot develoJDElnt for housing of land on north side of Loch Lomond Rd. at Lakewood. 42. Planning Advieory Comcrl. tte. 1'6 propGsed housing develoJJl1ent by Mr. Dante Fodere on north side of lcch Lamond. Rd. at Lakewood. 43. Planning Advisory Coll1Bittee re application or Mrs. Joan E. Goo.frey for mobile hOlOO location permit extension. 4/+. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed car waBh for Downey's Ltd. 45. Planning Advisory Committee re application ot Stanley Gardens Limited for re-zoning of land, south side of Boar's Head Rd.. ,;~.. ''{-'. ) ":1 - 2 - . 146 Letter from AVIS ma1dnc applici.ltion for installc; lion and operation of a gas storage tank . and gas pumps at Saint John airport. 47. Planning AdviBo~' COll1l!'ittee re above application of AVIS. 48. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment to Zoning B::r-La,,; re front ~rard setbacks. GENli1l.AL 49. COI:lOunication from Canadian TelecOI:lI:1unications Union Division 1 01' United Telegraph v:orkera members re cut-back in personnel and in office hours at Cp-eN Telecommunications. 50. Letter from No. 1 Company, Salvage Corps & Fire Police re cost of dinner and entertainment. ...!:c" Harbour Tavern Ltd. re parking re~-!:ulutions in fr:Jnt of tavern preni.ses, King ~t. West. . 52. Application from Mrs. Isavel Gibson for e~:t('mnior.. of Dob::.le home location permission. 5J~ Application from Mr. Evard Hansen for permission to place nobile home on lot on Riverview Drive, Saint John \\Test. .~---~..,--- -~--- ... ":..-' C'. '.0 . )..,(.... " -I. .,.t " .', . .,' ,- .~;. .... " \ \ '. ". ,\