!..Q END A
COMMON COUNC IL - as at 30th November, 1973.
Meeting called to order, December 3, at 4.00 p.m. - prayer.
~: Confirmation of minutes (November 19).
.3 . Mayor's remarks.
~.oo p.r.l.- Proposed closing of part of Lorneville Road (between eastern bounclar~r of lands
expropria ted for ~pruce Lc:.ke Industrial Park, and ".estern sideline of realigned
Lorneville Road, excluding that portion \ii thin Throur,hway right-of-way).
p.m.- Saint John District Council of Home & School Associations, represented by
Mr. Lloyd Fairweather, spmkesnan, requenting provision of as many safet~r side-
walks and cross-walks (property designated) in 1974 budget, for thto benefit of
school students who cust walk to and froll school.
6. ~.30 p:m.- Saint John Di~trict Council of Home & Sc1'1001 Associations, represented by
~.fro. Lloyd Fairweather, spokesman, urging the Common Council to take all necessary
steps to expedite the eliI:1ination of the extremely hazardous conditions being
presented by the gasoline/oil storage tanks nituated on Bayside Drive.
'I. Resolutions relating to 1974 current budget estimates.
8. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion progrB.Jll1le.
9. 1973 Capital Budget contracts progress payment.
10. Re'Fire Dept. 'administrative offioes. .
11. Financial Statements, October.
12. Pa:.lJll6nt. of invoice, ~larnock-Hersey, for testing ani control of as:t*a1t mixes.
13. Payment of invoice, Neptune Water Meters Ltd. for purchase of water meters.
14. Payment of invoice, Stephen Construction Co.Ltd.., for asphalt.
l5~ Pa3~nt ofinvoic8e, equipment rental: Hatfield; ,Francis.
16. Payment of invoice, l-icLerman Sales Ltd., for purchase of tapping sleeves.
l7. Payment of invoioe" John V.o1an, for top soil.
18. Re historical buildings in City of Saint John.
19. Monthly reports - Fire Dept.; Recreation ani Parks Dept.
20. R. manufacture of cold mix for wint.er use; purchase of' Colas emulsion for cold mix;
paymerit. to Stephen Construction Co, Ltd. for "supply of aggregate, am bat ching and mixing of
'cOldmixasphal..t. . :'
2l.-Wki-- wT.AQ:1.lP.1!It.iQ~...,~""'ohn East - Siuoms Disposal Compan:r Limited.
22. Payment of invoiee, Assoeiated Container Transportation (U.S.A.) re reception re "Saint John
.; Ports DaJr in New York".
, 23. Re energy con.~ervation.
23A.Re harbour boat. toure, Rainbow Boat Service8 Ltd.
23B.Re Mllli.dgev~~~~,tEl.t.. sub-division rig,reement.
24. Third rea.d1ng of proposed new Building By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given Oct. 22; 3rd readillf
laid on table Nov. 5 and 19).
25. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re letters from Mr. Vincent Rourke and the solicitors
for Mr. Gilbert Boyce re re-zoning of their properties (as proposed among 41 sketches
submitted to Council on August 13, 1973 by Planning Advisory Committee) (see item 26).
26. Third reading or Zoning By-Law amenclment re various re-zonings on 41 sketches submitted to
Council on August 13, 1973 by Planning Advisory Committee (1st reading given Nov. 5; 2nd
reading given Nov. 19) (see item 25).
27. Report dealing with legal services provided by the Legal Dept. for COI!lI:1On Council and the
City administration.
28. Committee of 1;fuole report (November 19).
29. Report from Air Transport Sub-Committee and Council Committee on Air Services (that is,
....letter dated November 1, 1973 from Minister of Transport).
30. Report from special cOllll!li.ttee of Councillors on obtaining consulting services re, pro posed
31. Land Committee report re sale of 95 acres, more or less, of land near Prince of Wales to
Mr. Lloyd Galbraith (laid on table Nov. 19).
.32. Planning Advisory Committee submitting additional informa.tion concerning application or
Mossrs. Grenville and Robert Ring for re-?.oning to lip)lt industrial classification their
land on west side of Millidge Ave. north of Manners Sutton Rd.
33. Planning Advisery Committee re W. p. Dowd & Sons Ltd. application for re-zoning.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re Slattery Management & Realty Co. Ltd. application for
re-zoning; re collector road at Grandview Ave.
35. Plaming Advisory Committee recm:mending Council's assent to sub-division plan for Spruee
Lake Industrial Park; and recommending the leoation of King William Road in said
1nchlstrial park.
36. Lotter fro. Historic Sites & Events Comraittee re Fort Howe Military Historical Pageant.
37. Re tlashing Ugh" at corner ot Main St. and Church Ave - 1etter to Councillor Murphy .from >---
Mr. F.M. Kane, Princ1.pal ot Saint Rose Schoo1 (Councillor HurAiT).
...J. ..!. I
- 2 -
,,' Ile reinstatement of Mr. Jamp.s Alexander, a City emnloyee (Councillor Murphy).
]I: Letter from President of University of New Brunswi~k re revised action plan re new field
house cOlWtruction on Tucker Park at University of New Brunswick in Saint John.
40. Saint John Branch of John Howard Society soliciting ondorsement by the COl'J1r.1.on Council of
the Branch's proposed expansion of its prograIfming activities, arrl Council's indication
of its interest and good will.
41. Letter from Mr. D. F. HadQowan, 801icitCH" for Evelyn B. Armstrong, 1l~16 Loch Lamond Rd. re
client's desire te make improvements to her house.
..... Britlf from }<'. Allison Redding, E. tlamboldt, D. Jamer, vi. K. Usher, H. Munn, E. Black,
f H. A. hstli.brooks and Kenneth Vail re improvements to Horna Drive and Horna Crescent; re
snow ploughing, dust control and routine maintenance to s aid streets.
43. Letter from Mrs. Leola M. Gray, 60 Douglas Ave., 8ubroi tti~~ complaint that trucks are
parking and loading on sidewalk in front of Mutual Jobbing Co. Ltd. businc ss, Douglas Ave.
44. Messrs. McKelvey, Macuula;y, Machum & l~ai!"\'1eather, submittinr request from clierit, Downey's
Limited to erect a car v/C1sh apen portion of company's leasehold lands on Crmm st.
45. Application from Stanle~r Gardens Ltd. for ru-zoning of property on south side of Boar's
Head Rd.
46. Application from Mrs. Donald Lister for permission to locate a mobile home at 291 Simpson
Drive, Glen Falls, on compassionate grounds.
47. Applioc.tion fran Mrs. Joan l!.. Godfrey for renewal of permission to locate her trailer for
another year on proptlrty on Old Black Hiver Rd., on compassionate grounds.
48. Request from 3aint John District Labour Council that City pay half' of the rent of the Thistle
Curling Club re ll.B. Federation of Labour convention held in June, 1973.
49. nequ~5t from Heather 50cie'ty and li.oyal Canadian Legion Branch No. 1l~ Junior Pipes and Drums
for a grant re proposed trip to Scotland in August 1974.
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