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COMMON counCIL - as at 2nd. November, 1973.
1. Meeting called to order,
2. Confirmation of minutes:
October 22, 197.3); October 12;
3. Mayor's remarks.
2.00 p.m~
- Proposed amendments to Zoning By-Law:
_ Various re-zonings as listed, aOO as shown on 41 sketches submitted by
. Planning Advisory Committee to Council on August 13, 1973.
_ Letter from Mr. Vincent Rourke re proposed'rc-7.oning under Sketch No. 73-23.
_ Proposed re-zon1ng of land on Lloyd St., ~int John West, for David B.Huestis.
_ Proposed re-zoning for Shelter Resources Ltd. of land north of Ocean Drive and
west of Eden Street (Harbour View Development)~
- Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re item 7.
. _ Planning Advisory CoJIlllittee report on proposal to re-zone }.fanners Sutton Rd.
area propertir for Messrs. Grenville I). and Robert W. Ring (laid on table
Oct. 22~ 1973). -
10. 5~'15 p.m.
_ Presentation of brief from Proviaional Board of Directors, South End Develop-
ment COrp.ration, per Mr. Donald Smith ,requesting land in the South End
to be used as a housing site; requesting Cit;<r's assistance in having Section 15
of the National Ht')using Act more, fully utilized by public and. private
developJIlent agencies, re funds available .for rental units construction, and.
a.vaiJAbilitJ' of CitJ.' or government partnership land for this purpose, where
11. 5.30 p.m. - Presentation of brief from residents of area covered by Oouth Bay to \iestfield,
Spruce Lake to Lorneville, per the River Road Ratepayers Assoc., requesting
an arena in the River Road. area. Brief to be pr6sented bJr HI'S. Mildred
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12. Report re tenders for demolition of 400 and 404 Union Street.
13. Report re quotations:;:-for .ne snow plough.
14. September reports: Fire Dept.; Police Dept.
15. Payment of invoice, ~lc..rnock Her'sey International Lt4. re as}Xl< inspection, testing,etc.
16. Payment of invoice, Dexter Construction Ltd., re crushing gravel.
17. Re acquisition of one Selectric Composer machine by instalment p...yment Ci.&,eement;
rescinding of C. C. O. Februar~r 5, 1973 re Suit. machine.
18. Payment 01' invoice, Engineers Club ot Montreal, re Saint John Ports Day in Montreal
reception and buffet.
19. Ue Christnw.s lighting.
20. Payment -of invoioe, Powor Conmd.ssion of Luint John, for relooation of pole line on Union St.
21. Payment 01' lnvoices, 'eq\d.pment rental: Corbett; Chitticlc's; Hatfield.
22. Payment of invoice, Gillie Co. Ltd., for tenr.is net [~ear.
23. Payment of invoice, 'j,'ractors & Equipment Ltd., .for purchase of hose for Se\ler cleaner.
24. Progress ~nto re projects undertaken und~r Dept.Regional Economic Expansion prO€~ramme.
25. 1972 annu&l report, Police Dept.
26. It. Remembrance Day.
27. ne Courtenay Bay causeway eastern approaches: execution of agreements and easement;
pa~n t to Gulf Oil Canada Ltd.; acceptance of land from National Harbours Bel.
2g. Pa~nt of invoice, Stephen Construction Co. Ltd., for asphalt.
29. Re Rainbo\. Boat Services Ltd. - harbour boat tours (laid on table Oct. 22, 1973).
30. Re Payment of Progress Certificate No. 15 to Gerald J. Ryan Co.Ltd.. re l~rBh Creek
Sewerage Scheme contract.
31. Payment to settle business disturbance claim, Bob McHarg-Datsun Ltd. re 14arsh Creek
Sewerage Scheme (laid on table Oct. 22, 1973).
32. ne widening Sandy pt. Rd. at Grocery.
33. n. McAllister Drive-Westmorland Road intersection.
co~mN CLr1tK
34. Third reading of Building By-Law (adopting national Building Code); 1st and iind readings
given Oct. 22, 197.3.
35. Proposed amendment to City Market By-Law changing Market hours.
36. Opinion re responsibility for costs for having City Hall building comply with all fire
regulations and s tanclarde .
37. Planning Advisory Comra1ttee re payment in lieu of setting land aside .for public }:Urposes
by:E. Mae Day.
School Board District No. 20 N safety of school children walking to aOO from loch Lamond
8ohool aleng !.Doh Lomom Rd..
ne letter troa Mrs. Gladys Dougay 1'8 safety of . chool children walking along I.ch
!omom Rd. (CouncUlor Black).
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40. Letter from Fire Chief' re recoLlJ'!lendations for alterations to City Hall to improve
measwes f~ fire Bafet;}" \<;i thin building.
41. Letter from Fire Chief Nt evacuation of City Hall building in sounding of Fire Alarm.
42. Mr. Gerald S. Merrithe'\'l, H.L.i.. re need for exit road, forest Hills, that Council
approved by C.C.O. Feb. 12, 1973.
43. Letter from Mr. W. F. Griffith, Post Master, Saint John, re King St. West postal station.
44. Knights of Columbus, Saint John Council No. 937, requesting ~rmission to place Nativity
Scene in King Square dwing 1973 Christmas eehBon.
45. Application from Glen Park Ltd. to place a mobile home.
6. Application from MacKnight Motors Ltd. to have temporary electrical hook-up to a trailer,
Ashburn Lake Rd., for an auto partu sales 0.:'fic6.
47. Application from vialter h.. Beckett for l'e-~oning of land at intersection of A.cCilllCiC
Backland Road. and Martinon Ii~r_pa66.
48. Letter from Chairman, Loyallit Da~rs Inc. and Chairman, 3antn Claus Parade Committee,
requesting tha.t parking be banned aleng parade route during alUlual l.o~ralist Day and
. Santa Claus Parade events.
49. Application of Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. for permit to demolish existing building at corner
01' City ltd. and Blair St. and to build a neri self-serve gasolint: bar at said site.
50. Canadian Federation of Chafe de Cuisine re tickets for cuisine competitions to be held
ln Moncton on Noven.ber 3.
51. Saint John High School letter re possibility of use of Barrack Green for recreational
52. Letter from Hr. r.E.Godsoe, Co-Ordinator of Crime Prevention Group re meeting ~iith
three~n committee.
53. Letter from Mr. P. E. Godsoe discussing r~~ailizit,ion of civic a.dminiatration.
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