COMMON COUNCIL - as at 19th October, 1973.
1. Meeting called to orde!";, .,4.00 p.n.. October 22 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (October <)
3. Uayor 's remarks. .
4. a.oo p.m. - Presentation of brief from Saint John West Citizen's Assoc. to request for an
ACTING CITY MAIMG1'1l. arena in Saint John vJest.
5. Report re tenders for demolition of 37 Se\>Tell St. am 54 Bridge St.
6. Payment to settle claim. of Bob McHarg-Datsun, Ltd.- for business disturbance re Marsh
Creek Sewera,~ Scheme.
7. Pa;;l'merlt of invoice, Warnock Hersey International Ltd. re asphalt mixes qualit;;r control
inspection, testing and consu1t~~ servic.s.
a. Pa;;1ment of invoice, Dexter Construction Ltd. re crushing gravel.
9. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme.
10, He City Local Initiatives Pror,ramme projects: (a) 1972-73; (b) 1973-74.
11. Pa;}-'ment to Simpson Constry.ction Ltd. (Protress Certificate 3) re Simonds Vocational
School swimming pool.
12. Pa;y-ment of invoice, ~tephen Con8truction Co" Ltd., for asphalt.
13. Payment 01' invoice, Norman vi. Francis, Ltd. re fi!Jh screens electrical wiring, Spruce Lake.
14. Payment to Goodyear Paving Ltd. for work done across the throughway right-of-way on the
vlestern Hesidential Arlla Collector ~3ewer.
15. Acceptance of quotation for construction of eel traps and screens for the Lorneville
Western Industrial Water Supply.
16. A\iarC1ing of tender for 30-inch Bxterna1 Sanitar;}r Sewer, McAllister Industrial Park.
17. September reports: Technical and Inspection Services Dept., including Plumbing Division;
Water and Sewerage Dept.
lS. Re Rainbow Boat ~3ervices Ltd. - harbour boat tours.
19. Re Bank of Montreal property, 370 Haymarket Square.
20. Re flashing light at Purdy's Corner, Saint John West.
20A.Re Superior Precast Concrete PrOducts, Golden Grov& Road.
21. Re Building By-La"'l: adoption of Na.tional Building Code.
22. Pollution Control COflTlittee re complaint of dust and noise nuisa.nce created by operations
of B1'00kville Hllnufacturing Co.
23. Report of City Market Cormnittee, \.lith recommendations.
24. JW1ior Civic Council Advisory Board recommending an addition to terms of reference of
Junior Civic Council.
25. Planning Advisory COLYnittee re payments in lieu of setting land aside for public purposes
by: (a) John W."t3herrif'f'; (b) Ralph Kelly; (c) Frank Bishop.
26. Planning Advisory Committee letter, assenting to the street and to land for public
purposes as per letter submitted on Ocwber 9, 1973 to Council from The Rocca Group re
apartment development off Westmorland Road.
27. Planning AdvisolJT Committee re application of David B. Huestis re re-zoning of land on
Lloyd St., Saint John We at.
28. Planning Advi~ory Committee report re proposed re-zoning for Messrs. Grenvl11e O. am
Robert W. Ring, Manners Sutton Road area property.
29. Planning Advisory Committee report on proposal of Mr. Walter A. Beckett to develop
lands on either or both sides of Martinon B,y-pass at its intersection with the Acamac
Backland Hoad.
29A.lnlerim report. from Recreation and Parks AdviSOljr Board re arenas project.
30. Resolution re airports and access roads.
31. Re proposal to use pctrt of Barrack Green site for recreational facilities (Councillor
32. Resolution confirming attendance at Canadian Conference on Housing Rehabilitation
(Councillor MacGowan), to be held in Montreal November 11-13, 1973.
~-.,. Re fire safety of present high-rise buildings in Sa.lnt John and re consultation "lith
fire officials prior to authoriUl.tion for construction for future high-rise buildings
(Councillor Bla ck) .
34. Letter from C P Rail r~ blowing of train whistles at Church Avenue raihfay cronsing.
35. New Brunswick: Electric Power Commission, Coleson Cove Thermal Generating Station, :re
proposed mobile home park.
36. Letter from Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store re proposed rc-opening of Thome
Ave. liquor store.
37. Letter from Dominion Stores Limited re proposed re-opening of Thorne Ave. liquor store.
38. Mr, Hugh H. McLellan, Barrister, submitting comments on recent report by Kates, Peat,
Marwlck & Co. on Saint John Clty Hall adminlstration.
39. Letters requesting 1974 grants, frolll:- Y.M.C.A.; Saint John South End Tenants' Assoc.Inc.;
V .O.N.; Loyalist Days Committee; Saint John Boys' and Girls' Club ( 2 letters: one re
regular 1974 grant; one re grant for Outreach Programme at Wesley Centre, Grandview Ave.);
Social ServioesCouncil of Greater Saint John; Family Services Saint JOhn, Inc.; C.N.I.B.;
Salvation Army; Y.W.e.A.; N.B.Youth Orchestra Inc.; Dept. Natlonal Defence (re Fort Howe
military historioal pageant); N. B. Museum; C.Y .0.; Canadian Red Cross Society.
40. Letter from Mrs. R. H. Jean Neal re Carleton Cemetery.