COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st September, 197:3.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. Septeuber 24 - prayer.
2. Confirmation .ofrnnutes (September 10).
3 . ,;.Ia.yor I 6 remarks.
.5..00 p.m. - 'pro}>>god ...8troet closings:
4. Portion of Harding Street and Fairville Bouleva.rd and any other portion of any highway
included within bol.Uldaries of description provided.
~. Portion of Lancaster Street, Saint John \r/est.
~.oo p.m. - proposed Zoning By-Law amendments:
. Re-zoni~ the present Carleton-Kirk United Church property off Lc.ncaster St., ~>a.i;L'~ John
We5t, the ,Bourque propcrt:,r, :"he Com.ay propert~r, t,he L...nncy prop(;~.t;y, lung 0t. ...;,..~ension,
the Carle.ton Burial ,Ground, LBncaster St. and a portion of King Square, SEdni John rlust.,
7. Planning Advisory Committee letter re area of above naraed Carleton-Kirk property that is
recommended ,:for_.re-zon1ng; alao recommending said re-zoning be pursuant to Section 39
of t11e Comnmity P.1anning Act.
... ~'_'... i. .'
8. Re-zoning 62-102.0har~otte St. \':e5t, inclusive (including property of Mrs. l'J.arjorie
Campbell, at 94 Charlotte St.).
~. ~ ...~ l.ot.r.. L c: ;0
9. Re-zoning/231 at sout.ll\',es1,erlJT co:.'ner of Gllilforci ani Lc,nc~L~tcr Sts. for Leo J. and
PatrickJ. ' Uiokey., . ::
10. Re-zoning 66, 68, 70, 72, 74 am 76 Lansdmmc Ave, (induding Lots 10, II and 12 of
Mr. J. B. Elliot).
Ill. Be-zoning land 'on'western Bide of lti.1lid,~e Jhre. between Hanners Sutton Rd, and 3t,John Rivel
for Grenville O. Ringi.{l.!1d Robe.'t Ring.
12. Amending' the'~icipal Developraent ?lan to conform with re-zonin,; in it~~m ll.
13. Pla.nning Advisory 'Committee letter recommending the addition of sale, .n;pair C-.!l'-l. service
of snowmobiles to 'the..useB permitted under re-zoning in item 11, and that said additional
uac be,?purstiant .to,; Section- 39 of the Comraunity Planning Act rEf proposed. rtJ-wning proposal.
14. Petition .inr.objection to proposed re-zolling under item ll'repr.t)fjentative to be prE:sent tea
speak'-re. this objection).
15. 5.15 p.m.,- Robert..C.'811d'Elizabeth J. Merritt; ROyc.l Trust COUpal!.", administra.tor of
_;.Est.: 01' Johanna Iiobinson Street; Gilks Hl';al lstate Ltd.; Marion DeLly - to be
present to shO\.; cause why 37 Se..{E;ll St. shouN not JC ,:-{)_,Qved 0:' ,:,!.~;Gtro;'l~d a5
a dangerous or dilapidated building. Report from B'.llldil'.g Inspect.or.
, ...... ~ ... '
16. ' 5.20 p.m. - George laMont to be present to shO\1 cause "v/hy 170 Sand.)r Point Rd. sllouJ.1 not
,....be:removed or do Btroyec1 as a dangerous or dilc.pid<-.tt:i '(Ju';'Mi!J.';. E~;port
frODl Building Inspector.
, .:'.~' (
17. 5.30 p.r.:.. ':"" Catherine I.i. l.J..o;l'd; Alice Johnson - to be pr~sent to shool cause ,,[hy building
~. .',_ at 54 Bridge St. should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or '
. . .lC~ dilapiciated building. Report from Bui1d1nv, Inspector.
c~. . {:
18. Notice of.Mot.ion re bond issue.
19. Resolutiwn authorizing printing of bonds re forthcomi.nc.: bonl! issue.
20. "our resolutians,'authorizing signing officers for City banking purposes.
21. PUrchase of 'B..cheque signing IIliichine ~Iith an autorJ<Ltic fced and d.iJj.)l'opriat(; safst~. Clevices.
22. Progress payments' re' projects undertakon under Dept.Regional Econor:dc E.."Cpansion -1Jl'ogramme.
23. Report re. temers for a horizontal tank mounted compressor.
24. August report.a -Fire ~Dept., Police Dept., Water and Selierage Dept.
25. Payoentof ~oiC. for'&srhalt. -(Stephen).
26. Report re tenters. >tAr conBtruetion o.f1:.he Western Residential Area Collector Sewer.
27. Report re t.endeN.4'or eonstruct.ionot -McAllister Irxiustrial Purl: EAt.ernal 30-inch Snnitary
Sewer. ..., ,:_~~~ ," :"'.., i' .,t~' ~,; ...~..,
,.... ~~. Rttpo:-t ,ret.enders-'.'tor ::8Up~' ;o.fj,& .:standby c11esel generator for Forest 'Hifltl p~pj.ng-
stauon. .. 2.:;. c ~'. _ ~'~', \:,c,J;' .t c.
29. P&yuwnt o.r 'invoi:QfI'6from H. .R. 'f;)oane and Company re preparation ofCitY'B 1972 financial
statementa,....and 'J'O wata.r rates review and. updating.
30. Re worldng agre.en8llt.tL1'or,(u.) ::Civic Employees IDeal 16, C.U.P.E. ," - "..
, 'llu",'.'~ II: {.),*1nt John Policemen's Protective Assocf, LoCal 61, C.U;P.E.
31. Re H111sid.eSub-div.ision, :DoldenGrove Road.
311..1972 raport of ReCreation. aiId :Parks Dept.; August report - TeohriicaJ. .and :tnspeotivn 'Ser-
, vices, '!ncltidin~f1plWDbit1g~'D1vt.sion.
".. .,." l.....:...:;;..l.,...:,: ' ''J'" . 'QOHHON CLERK.
32. Third rea.d1n&~o!,n8W lfa;er."and ,6ewerage"By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given:Sept. 10, 1973).
33. Thil'd.,reacling*.otcEo~'.B7~La~"~n~t (re 8'W~ng pools.:- ,~ and '2nd readings given
Sept.. 10 19"J':1\~,.. ""J I' ,-..t '. I..... .... ", ,"~~ ,.,
. < 4ii11.'':.. it- '" . '.~,.. ".' .'..'" . L......_..........
34..Seconci reading,.r,....ndJi18nt .to'Subdivia1on By-Law (latrea~ given Bept. 10, 1973).
;~. ~tter frOl!1, Council~rlC1p.}il.ng~,~_~~l~.:.~~ a.~._~~1(}~gal1~~<- Q.QtJ.~t~- -4.,-;-
· ~e1;:~lf;"~~s'e~r. ~~ -r~~t t~;~'h~psaJ.ing of 1929 Gasoline Service Stations BJ7-Lal'1;
- c ~ 50 1ne salon regu atlons.
~-'"-'-'- '
- 2 -
'37. Report :from Planning Advisory Committee re meeting with Greater Saint John Retail
Gasoline Dealers Assoc. re service stations (lA. on table Aug.27 and Sept. 10, 1973).
.38. June 6, 1973 report from Planning Advisory Committee re service stations (J.d. on table
July 16 & Aug. 27, 1973).
39. July 23, 1973 report from Planning Advisory ColDI!li.ttee re L:lperial Oil self-service
gasoline outlet (!.d. on table July 30 &. Au~. 27, 1973).
39A.Re deed of rectification.
, ,.....If',
Note: It.ems remaining from Council meeting of September 10 agenda are marked thusly, *,
4O:'Re. purchase .ore,toUr,. a.reas of land. from _Champlain Hbights Ltd.
4. Re purchase of ~aseJ:.1ent froLI .ilrme 1:.J,si.rie Jordon.
42. Re ,.r..efuoY~-Of .Testruc:tion from land nCJ,::t ,to Lot 14, Bt:averbrook Jlve., aold in 1965 to
Fred S. Haycox.
43. RF. Exchange of land bet~leen Ci t;y and Canada Perwnent Trust (formerly East,ern Trust), in
" vicinity of- Drury Cove Rd.
44.Re resciriding-'optiongranted to Mr. John F'. Ritcey re 1"ormer Gilbert prop<:rty, Union St.,
and ~ _~ta.ining option payment.
45. Re rescinding sale 'Of freehold of Lot 13 (73 .jt. James Street, Saint John v!est) ta
Clark Real Estate.
46. Urban Uenewal Cotlmission J~ residential proPflrtien I'lidntenanc€ and occupancy cod.e.
lfurket Committee roport re: transfer of If;Cl.se of Mr. J. L. Sloci.1Iil to Mrs. net~.
Uapplobeck; transfer of part of l~ase of l-1rs. !1;I,ri~ Br01t;n (Coff~e Corner) to hr.
William C. Haye 6 .
Planning AdviSOIjr COmr:::1ittee ~'e tempora.r:r locations for mobile hor~cs.
Planning Advisor:r Conmittee re ten:..porarJ' locations far mot:..le l,or,;,.s(applications irom
Mr. Everard Deaulieu am Miss Linda lfitchell- see items':;&' .b,).
Plarming Advisory COlliuittee rb a~plication to pldce tV!O hauze trailers on JastJph Dunham
property. Spruce Lake, for three J:;,Qnths. :'I.
Re paynents in lieu of oetting land asid.e for public pUl'poGes b~,: (a.) Annie La.;;nell;
(b) Mitchell Carr.
* 52. Re wmecessary blo~ling of train whistles at Church live. railway cr06sing (Councillor
Uurphy) .
53. Re Salvage Corps No. 2 banquet cas t. (CoUncillor .'JUrphy).
54. Re need for flashing light at Purdy' 6 Corner (Councillor Murph~r).
55. Re dust and noise problerr.s from Brookv:illf,j Lime Company aperRtions, Hathesay hd.
(Councillor Kipping).
56. Letter from .~~~cb ~ond"'Vlll'a.:' me.. to CQuncillor MacGovian re needed sidevJalk wark on
Loch Lemand Rd. and needed fill or grading on sewer easement at rear of lots fronting on
Ellerdale Ave. and Loch Lamand ~\Tilla land.
* 57. Re appointment of four members to Fort LaTour Developnent lluthori ty( Councillor MaCGo\'l8I1).
*. 5b. Re proposed COl!II!I.unity Appeals Reyiu;., BOc..rd (Col.U.cillol~ Hal:Go/:<.tn).
* 59. Re calling tenders to deraolish City building on Lot 13, Nelzan St. (Councillor A. Vincent).
* 60. Reply 'Of Chairman, New Brunswick Electric Pai'liCr Cor.u;.u.ssion, re fWlctio:l:ng oi' Commission's
'Office in Saint John.
* 61. Petition far City to takt::l over maintenance of John C,::~t::ln :~oc.'-l.';,",i.
* 62. Miss Ca.thy Chipman letter, urging widening of Sandy pt. lI.d. corner in l'ront 'Of Sandy pt.
. Grocery Store.
* 63. Linda llitchell request for permission re nobile ho~ at 518 Hillard hj., :":'aint John West.
* 64. l".Lr. R.D. Weir, Kingstan, Ontario, re prf;servation of salt wat~r l,.r.rtih at Saint's Rest.
* 65. Dept.Veterans Affairs re Vernon S.Daley complaint re discolouratior. of paint on house.
* 66. Canadian Salt Company Limited re aliarding of City's 1973-1974 su.J.t contract.
* 67. Everard Beaulieu request for extensian at mabile home permit.
* -158. JOM A. Maxwell request for financial assistance re ski championship t..>ntry at Ca.lgary.
'* 69~ Petition requesting consideration of completion of sewer systf'JIl at Lakeview Drive.
* 7u. Cedar Point Mobile Horma Park tenants Gubmitting suggestions for improvements to Cedar
Point &bile Home Park.
71. Request of Po\'ier Col3Ilission of City of ~int John that City JDnke available to Commission
2.5 million dollars tor neoessary expensions; to form part of a future City debenture
issue; Commission to obtain the money as required.
72. Luxor Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. re plans ta host the North East Shrine Assoc, convention in
Saint. John on September, 1975.
73. Letters re dilapidated properties on Winter, Johnson, Garden, Spring 5t8. from:
J. D.l MacCallum, Q. C.; Rev. Donald Breen; Mrs. Norma. Reid and. stan Reid of Centre Valley
Assoc.; 5&int John District Labour Council; Mrs. H. G. Naves arxl. M.A.J, Naves; Bernice
Pitre; Pat Mercer; Marga.ret M. Hamilton and Marion L. Hamilton.
74. Civic hmployees Looal Union la, C.U.P.E. re banquet, am retirement party.