_ 1
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 7th September, 1973.
Heeting oalled to order, 4. .Ul) P.W. j September 10 - prayer.
Confirmation 01' minutes (August 27 .
Mayor's remarks.
4. Re engaging for 6-month period by Port & Industrial Development Commission of services of
Pa tricia Ryan Public Ucla tions Inc.
5. Payment of asphalt invoice - Stephen Construction Co. Ltd.
f. Re removal of rock, Greenhead B.d., as a winter works, capital project. (see item 31 )
7. Payment of equ1JXOOnt rent.al invoice - Hatfield.
8. Financial Statements - July.
9. Progress payment re project un::I.ertaken un:ier Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme.
10. Rayment of invoice - 5imp~on Construction Ltd. re construction of Simonds High School
sWimming pool.
11. Re proposed re-zoning of properties at 32 and 42 Broad St.; proposed amendment to the
.. Municipal DeveloplllBnt Plan; said property not required by City. (Note: Said re-zoning was
- recnmmAnded to Council b;r Planning Advisory Con:mi.ttee letter on August 27, 1973)
12. Re proposed _ pm:cha. se of stre~t sweeper (Laid on ta?le July 30, 197~).
13. Re design"<rl ~JOket Square. (])e(e,..red-1\d. eonS/tiered Sef7i:/o/7'?)
14. Re additional road construction - east and west areas of city.
15. Re Bayside Drive.
16. Re \loodlawn Park Sub-division.
17. Re amenc1ment to Wa tar and 5e\ierage By-Law.
18. 5.00 P .m~ - Propost:d amendment to Zoning By-Law (re swimming pools).
19. Invoice from House 01' Buchanan for plaque donated to Trinity Church during Loyalist Days.
20. Resolution required for auUlority to }~yor and CODWon ClLrk to sign agreement between
Clty and N. B. Housing Corp. re 12 housing unit.s, City Line, Saint John West.
21. Pa~rment of CitJ-"s share of t.he Provincial-Municipal Council assessIOOnt.
22. 5.20 P.Ll. - Mr. I. h. Laws of H. R. Doane am Company, presentin.g }<'inancial Statement.s
of City to December 31, 1972.
23. AmendIilent to ~ub-d.i vif;ions By-La't!.
24. Re payment Qf account - R. Broderick.
25. Amendment to NobUe Home P-cl.rks By-Law. (1st and 2nd readings given August 27, 1973).
26. Purchase of property a.t 402-404 Union St. from George H. Hamilton.
27. Civic Improvement and Bea.utification Committee re budget considerations re: employing
additional staff to maintain green areas in summer; manpower during spring street
cleaning operations.
* 28. Report from Planning Advisory Committee re r.teeting with Greater Saint John Retail Gasoline
Dealers Assoc. re service stations (Laid on table August 27, 1973).
29. June 6, 1973 report from Planning Ad.visory Committee re service stations (Lcid on table
J~ 16 & August 2:7, 1973). ,
30. J~ 23, 1973 report from Planning Advit>ory Committee re Imperial Oil self-service
gtJ.soline outlet (Laid on table July 30 & August 27, 1973).
* MP. Rocine J. Gillis Barrif.:ter to be resent re item 28 - to be heard, if' possible, on behalf'
GENLRAL of' Greater S.J.Retail Gasoline Dealers Assoc.
31. Re rock removal. Greenhead Hoad (Councillor Mur]i1y) (see lteI:1 6).
32. Re unnecessary blowing of' train whistles at Church Ave. railway crossing (Counciller
Murphy) .
~. Re appointment. of four members to Fort La Tour Developrl1tJnt Authority. (Councillor
MacGowan) .
34. Re proposed Community Appeals Review Board (Councillor Ma.cGovran).
35. Re proposoo calling for public tenders for dem:>lition of City-owned bui1.ding on Lot 13,
Nelson St. (Councillor A. Vincent).
36. Reply by Hr. J. Stewart Brooks, Ghainuan, New Brunswick Llectric Power Commission, t.e
Council resolution of August 13, 1973 re functioning ot Commisslon's branch office in
Saint John.
37. Canadian Salt Company Limited re awarding ot City's 1973-1974 salt contract.
38. Petition for City to take over malntenance ot John Green Roadway.
39. Mise Cathy Chipman, 288 San:iy Point Rd., urging widening of the corner on Sandy Point Rd.
in front ot Sarldy Point Grocery Store.
40. Dept. ot Veterans Attairs 1'8 complaint ot Mr. Vernon S. Daley re discolouration of the
paint on his house at 325 Greenhead Rei.
41. Cedar Point Mobile Home Park tenants submitting suggestions for improvements to Cedar
Point Mobile Home Park.
42. Peti\ion requestin8'iconsideration ot cOl4pletion of the sewer system on Lakeview Drive.
43. Mr. R. D. Weir, Kingston, Ontario, re preservation of salt water marsh at Saint's Rest.
44. Request trom Everard Beaulieu tor extensicm of permit for mobile home, Golden Grove Rd.
- 2 -
45. Request from Leo Dennett J'or pennL;sion to place a mobile home on Norris Rd. site.
46. Request of Linda Mitchell for permission to place a mobile home on property at 518
Milford Rd., Saint John West.
47. Hequest from John A. Maxwell for financial assistance re his recent entry in 1rlater
ski championship at Calgary.
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