COMMON COUNCIL - as at. 24th August, 1973.
1. Meeting called. to order, August 27. 4.00 p.m. - prayer.
2. Coni'irllEtion of minutes (August 13).
3 . Hayor 's remarks.
4. Report re tenders for Hotorized Uj,uipnent V.
5. Re extension of sanita17 sewer to ~drkway Service Centre; extension of Chitticks (1962)
Ltd. contract (Golden Grove Rd. to McAllister Drive); confirmation of cost-slIDring policy.
6. Payment of equipment rental invoices: Chitticks; Hatfield; Stephen.
7~ Payment of invoice for pit run gravel(Cldtticks Sand & Gravel Ltd.).
... J Pa;}'Illent of invoice re asphalt mixes oontrol and testing (Harnock Hersey International Ltd.).
9. Payment of invoice 1'8 traotor repairs (Apex Industries Limited).
1.0. Paymt:nt of",inv01ce" equipment rental (Hatfield).
n. Payment of equipment rental invoioes: Hatfield; Francie; Corbett; Stephen; Chltticks.
12. Payzoont of '~nvoices:Stephen (asphalt); Dexter (crushing gravel).
13. Payment of invoice re motor repairs, l&t.noaster sewage lagoon.
14. Progress payments re proj<::ctsun1ertaken under Dept.Regional Eoonomic Expansion programme.
15. Report ,re quotations re spraying of emulsion and spreading of stone chips (chip sealing).
16. Monthlyro,ports: Building & :~.luriliing Inspection Dept. (July); Fire Dept. (July);
\'later liSElHp.raga Dept. (July); Pollce Dept. (June).
17. Third reading or Zoning B~l-Law amenw.1ent, to re-zone land on Ashburn lilke Rd. for James E.
and Robert A. i4lcLean (1st ami 2nd rHl.dings given Aug. 13, 1973).
18. Third reading 01' amendmant to Taxi By-Law (1st and 2rxi readings given Aug. 1.3, 1973).
19. By-law to perL1i.t William McGrath to operate tUB :service.
20. Re land exchange with Lockharts Limited: clQsure requir~d of portion 01' Harding Street
and Fairville Boulevard, Saint John .,;est.
21. Acquisition 01' freehold interests in N.D, Llt:ctric PO'Iler COmr..Ussion properties:
Smythe St. and Long \I.'harf.
22. Payment of accounts: Tri-Town Realty; Apparisala Ltd.; Roy de Stecher & Associates Ltd.;
23. Payment of account: N. D. TelephonE: Company, LiLJi ted.
24. Committee of the vlholt; report..
25. Planning Advisory C01illIlittee re proposed amerximentB to Mobile Home Parks By-Law.
26. Planning Advlsory Cozar:dttoe l"dthdrawing recor.unendation for re-zoning on sketch No.7.3-59 re
"RF" Rural. zones (subm1ttoo to Council Aug. 1.3, 1973).
27. Planning AdvisoI"j~ Commttee recomrJending re-zoning of properties frOOl 82 to 102 Charlotte
St., West, including 94 Charlotte st., owned. by Mrs. Marjorie Campbell.
28. Planning Advisory Committee reconuuending re-zonine; on both sides of Guilford St., betvJeen
City Line and Lancaster St., including Lot 231, owned by Leo J. and Patrick J. Hickey.
29. Planning Advisory Committee recommending re-zoning of land at northwestern corner of
Manners Sutton Rei. and Millidge Ave.; amer~i.luent to MuniclJX1.l Developnent Plan re same.
30. Planning Advisory CoLll1ittee recommending rp.-zoning of 32 and 42 Broad St.. (Lot 1.332 ani
part of Lot 1333) for Murdoch-Lingley Ltd.; amendment to Municipa,l Dwelopnent Plan re same.
31. Planning Advisory Conmittee recolJ1Ill6nding re-zoning of 66-76 1a.nsdo\-me Ave., inclusive
(including Hr. J. B. Elliot Lots 10, 11 and 12); no vehicu1.ar access off Lansdowne Ave.
32. Planning Advisory Committee reooI~ending 1.ocation of four streetsand 1.and for public pur-
poses shown on tentative plan for Pha.se I of East Lam Assembly.
33. Planning Advisory ComrJittee reconmeooing approval for j:e.~'1nent8 to City in lieu of land in
sub-cl.ivlsion for public purposes, by: (a) James McCavour property; (b) Gerald J. Arsenault;
(c) Dr. Edward. \ra.1 tar; (d) Doris Marsha.ll; (e) Ellis Levine.
3~. Planning Advisory Committee recommending location of streets and Idnd for pUblic purposes
as shown on tentative plan 01' 1,'ooos Hill Sub-division.
35. Planning Advisory Committee reoommeooing approval for payment to City in lieu of land in
Dr. T. E. Grant Sl.lb-division.
36. Planning Advisory Committee recommending teLlporary !:ltlrmission to Mr. William Kirk re
mobile home location.
37, Planning Advisory Committee recommending permission to Galbraith Construction Ltd. to place
two mobile field offices.
38. Planning Advisory Committee recoI1Jll18nding adoption of new plan of R. E. & J. E. Friars Ltd.
re development of truck terminal and offices at northwest corner of Foster Thurston Rd..and
Ashburn Rd.
39. Pl.anning Advisory Committee recommending sale to Caldo Ltd. of Lot 3 in Dunhill Sub-division,
Somerset St. as City does not require same for recreation or othflr public purposes.
40. Planning Advisory Committee report from Aug. 8 meeting re service stations, "lith Greater
Saint John Retail Gasoline Dealers AS8oc. re Committee's report to Council re service
stations (which 'Was laid on table by Council resolutions of June 11 and July 16, 1.973).
40A.June 6, 1973 report trom Planning Adviaory Committee re service stations (Laid on table
July 16, 197.3).
40B.July 23, 1973 report from Planning Advisory Committee re Imperial Oil self-service gaso1.;
outlet (Laid on table July 30, 1973).
- 2 -
Invitation to Council members to atterld PlalU'"ling Advisory Committee meetings.
Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re appearance of groun1s of several schools.
Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re "green beltll area in Red Head area under
Comprehensive Community Plan and recent Hspot" re-zoning in said area.
Civic Iuprovement and Beautification CotJnittee re enforcement of prohibition of parking
beyond curb; re Llilking curbing mandatoIjr for all existinr, and proposed commercial sites.
45. Letter and memorandum re construction by City of four artificial ice surfaces (Counciller
Davis) .
'.;"4~. Le1~ter re vacant house at 306 Princess Street (Councillor Parfitt).
47. Report from January 1971 to June 30, 1973 re rental of equipment by City (Counciller
J,. 1 ~.I. Y~pcentii..Jie polic~do1' eq ui~eut (Centat'fl~~r~~s Rur<ihasing of equipment. ""
4~..~tter F~om rra!htP58fm JM:€i 88un8il rg~g8t~ grR&t;nrrom City regarding production in
November of musioal "Kiss He, Kate" (Mrs. N. \rl. McLellan am Mrs. S. Silver will be
present at meeting to answer questions, if necessary).
49. Letter, dated August 14, 197.3, from Crime Prevention Group 1'e formatior. of Citizen's
GoDllllittee. .
50. Letter 1'1'0111 Mr. i1el'le Nason, P1'~fjident, Coastal Co-Operative Housing Ltd., rtlquesting
appointment with Gouncil to UiUCUb8 the group's proposal.