1973-08-13_Agenda --AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 10th August, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m. I August 13 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (July 30). 3. Mayor's remarks. 5.00 p.m. - fie-zoning matters:- 4. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-oone Ashburn Lake Rd. land for James E. and Robert A. Mclean. 5. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone St. Anne St. undeveloped land for Hr. and Mrs. viilliam Roberts. 6. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone William C. Randles property, old Redhead ..,J Rd. (first rea.ding given July 3, 1973). 7. Letter from Red Hea.d Property Protection Assoc. re objection to re-zoning of said vlil1iam C. Randles propertJT. _ . ACTIW CITY MANAGm 8. Awarding of tender for construction of West.em Industrial Area Trunk Sewer (Spruce Lake Industrial Park Trunk .Se\'ler) - laid on table JulJT 30, 1973; authority to execute contract documents; authority to ~xecute J\raendL1ents 18 & 19 to Province-City Agreement dated August 30, 1971. 9. Re proposed Millidgeville arena - architectural services. 10."Response to brief dated March 26, 1973 from Red Head-Hispec Citizens Protective Assoc. re tax rates and tax ~ne8. It. Payment of invoioe for asphalt - Ste}ilen Construction Co. Ltd. 12. Payment of inV9ic& ,of V.ideoInspection and Grouting (Mar.) Ltd. 13. Progress ~yments .,I>eprojects \U1dortaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 14. Payment of invoioes for equipment rental: D. Hatfield Ltd.; Chitticks (1962) Ltd.; C. L. Francis & Co. Ltd. 15. Authority requested to execute Assignment for Engineering Services, in favour of Inter-Provincial1!.ngineerlng Ltd.., purchaser of HcHamara Engineering Ltd. Halifax business. 16. Attendanoe at Canadian Parks-Uecreation Conference in Uegina. 17. Re geographically referenced data storage and retrieval s~rstem (laid on table July 30,1973). 18. Re demolition of City-owned properties at 408 and 418 Union ::)t. ani 236 CrolJI1 St.; acceptance of tender. 19. Re Rocca proposal for civic centre oomplex. 19A.Re financing of , additional road construction expenditures - east and west. CITY SOLICITOR 20. Re Taxi By-Law amendment (laid on table June 18, 1973) - final draft to be submtted at Council meeting. UlmAN RENEKiAL 21. Lea.se to E. L. Ruddy Co. Ltd. re sign on Ctty-mffied lot at 27 Paradise Row. COMMITTJo:ES 22. land Committee re sale of land to:- (1) Mrs. Nora Cullinan; (2) Samuel H. Baird; (3) James O. Salmon; (4) George M. Barr; (5) Ralph E. Arthur (subject to retention of easement by City from Mrs. Cullinan and Messrs. Baird, Barr and Arthur). 23. Re proposed purchase of United Church property, Somerset Street... letter from Land Committee. 24. Lana COlIlIilittee re purchase of land, corner York St. and Champlain Dr.,from Allan Black. 25. Land Committee re granting of an easement to N.B. Telephone Company Limited, Emco Lane. 26. Land Committee re purchase of easement from James E. Hegan for vJestern Area Collector Sewer. 27. Land Commi.ttee re purchase of easement from Herman Carpenter for Western Area Collector Sewer. 28. Land Cormaittee re purchase of easement from Doreen Ferris for Western Area Collector Sewer. 29. ,Land Committee re purchase of easement from Paul Beesley for v~estern Area Collector Sewer. 30. Land Committee re purchase of eaaement from Ace Realty for Western Area. Collector Sewer. .31. Transportation Committee re permission to 14r. Arthur Scribner to assign Loch Lemond Bus Line operation to Mr. \rlalliam McGrath. 32. Planning Adviso~T Committee re application of Charles F. McLaughlin re mobile home. 33. Planning Advisory Committee re lani for public purposes: new Section 25 for Subdivision . ~ By;;La.w, plus additional amendments to said By-Law. 0; 34. Planning Advisary Committee recommending amendments to the ZGning By-Law re Rural and other classification districts; reoommending amenc:lm.ent to Zoning By-Law re Park zone classification; rec01IlC18nding amendments to Municipal Development Plan ochedu1e. GENmAL 35. Capital Works drainage system, Greendale - letter from Beverley and vieldon Burlock (Councillor Murphy). 36. Re paving Francis Street (Councillor Murphy). .37. Re removal of comer on Green Head Road (Counoillor Kur lily ) . 38. 5U111D1erstoek Youth Project re requested grant (Mr. J. Michael Kelly to be present, t.o answer questions, if necessary). 39. Western Jew Brunswick Militia District requesting a grant towards cost of presenting twice- daily Military Pageant on Fort Howe. 40. Application trom New Brun~ck Insurance ~IOll\8n's Assoc. for grant re convention of Canadian Assoc. of Insuranoe Women held June 13-15, 1973. 41. ~pDldicatition 11'ot.T~leton-Kirk United ChlU'chL closing ot Lanoaster St. (Section!' deed. for v-ld see on 0 .&.A&&C&ster St~; re-zoning t,01;lU pr'Ope~y required fer senior c11:. zen and ohurch complex, King 5Q_re-Carleton Burial. Ground site, Saint John West,