COhMON COUNCIL - as at 13th July, 1973.
1. Meeting cE..lled to ord er, Le .OC i: . L. ,
2. ConfirmHtion of L.inutc~; (July .3).
3. }J'..Enror's remarks.
3A. ~OO p.m. - Presentation re Civic
4. i,.50 I).T-:. - Propof'ed amendrwnt to
5. - Proposed &mendmcnt to
July 16 - pr8~er.
Centre - Mr, Pat Rocc&.
i:or:inr. n:- -L8.... to r€;-\"onf: 294 SiJTIT1S St.
L:omn': n~'-Ll"{ to re-;"one l[,nd O~, Old \i;estmorl[.nd Rd.
i,OO r.n..
- Pre pORed clo~inr of Victori[, Street, Horth 1n..:~.
- :Topor;ed clo~ing of part of Emco Lane, Saint John \;est.
_ Letter fror:l Emco 5uppl;r, opposing proposed closing of pc..rt of Emco Lane.
. .
5.00 p.m. - Prcsent<...tion of brief from Retail Gi;;sollnb Dealers of Greater Saint John by
Cr(;'1tE~r ;>aint .T()~JTI Hetail Gasoline D(lalers j'ssoci<.\tion (ner Messrs, Frank
Lanary and Kenneth Clc.r~, Eipokcmner).
lC. 5.15 u.r.1. - Pr'e~~!ntation of brief froin COuHt,~l Co-OJ.1f'raUve Housing Ltd.., per HI', Nerle
1~C1~;on, Pre~;il.t;nt.
11. - Planning Advisory Cormttee re:,10rt of June f1, 1973 re service ~;tat"i.ons (laid on
t8.blf: by C,C.O. J\.me 11, 1973 - copie8 supplied to Council ,~t that time).
12. Fire De-;Jt. rEports - J.1i:q and June; flj.iier.,SelAiefClQe.J}ed-, ref?6ri- -1J1~;j
13. Building Inspection Dept. ana PluIl1hin~: Div::l'>ion rE>port. - June.
14. Progress payner:ts re projects uncleI' Dept. RiJ.::;ional 1.COIlOmiC LxpansiolJ prOEr&I1iIIW.
15. Payment of hr,'oice - C~nron Lt.,"". for pipe.
16. Payment of invoice - Stephen Com;t1'uction Co., I:tt.d.. for clsphalt.
17. Pa~rment of invoice - 0tephen Construction Co., Ltd. for p.'1uipmtmt rental.
18. Payment of invoice - Bolick:,.. 11m, re fiftll arlnuaI Sports Recognition Banquet.
19. J1I.yment of invoice - D. HcltfielJ LW. for e'iuipment r(;nt31.
20. PaJrment of ir.voicl: _ St~.nltj' :~~!.1crler50n j.ssoci3t.e;:;, J.rc~ itect~." 1'e Cit=' Hall ttnfmt ';.'01'1-:.
21. Pa~"t1€.nt of hol1-tack paJ'T'1e~t to .:- .L.r. Price Ltd.., re City Hall t(:n.t..rlt vorl,
22. Pa~rment of pro[;l't:55 cel'tificute to :')te?hen C~nstruction Co., Ltd. re pavin; ter.nL, courts cln.l
school parrdn~ lot.
23. Payment, of bill - ~;tf-.:.nle~r \;. L:::Jrle1's:)n,hrchitect, for p1'ofession&l f ervice re Simonds
Vocational ~c!lool ~....Ji.nlllling ?Dol.
2J.~. Re authority to !.lake up})li(;i..tion to C~ntrb,l iotbrtgage ami iiousilf: Corporation for a loan re
vlestern industrial c.rea trunk [. c",er.
25. Paytlent of invoices for e.luirmbnt rental (Chittick; Francis; Hatfielc1).
26. Re Statistics Ca.nr~da Block Faces Data Base (GRD~R) - geographicall~r referenced data
storage am retr.i.t:vll "S~'s tam.
27, Commissioner of Finance re ad"ance of :p6,()()(,;.00 to Camda S'.UTJOer Garnes Commit.tee,
28. Comr:tinsioner of Fimmce re payment of City'S share of operatine lossus for lfi'12 l'e
PartnerHhip-subsidi.zed housin!;.
29. Direct-or o~' Promotion rf: t;rc:mt ;'01' lunch{;on re National Field Hockey Championship, rerp.lesteJ
by New Bruns\':ick Field Hocke;)T Assoc.
30. Land Cormnittc€ re so,le of 14.0 I~lliott RO~i to Estate 01' Gt:orge \t:illiams.
31. C':>IIImi.t tee of \':hole re port.
32. Market Corur;..i ttee j'e trDi1s~~er of Market stall lflase from Percy Ra~nnond to Georre 0. Raymon:i.
33. Planning Advisory GOI.t.&uttee 1'e proposed ra-zoning of Ashburn Lake Rd. property for
Messrs. J2.Dl<lS L. l1cL,;an <:ind JtOOf:rt A. McLean.
URBid ItLriIli~AL
34. He land dispoaal - Kudct' 11otor Inn.
35. Re outdoor concerts, at podium of Cit~- Hall (Councillor Parritt).
36. River Road ;{atepayers (,ssoc. :re(~u~sting imrtroved services in area from Acamac Backl"nd &i.
ta ~fE>.rtinon cut-off, inclunivt); re t,l:c); :ro.te zone; re city electoral s:':;teo; l'e l.:.nnii'htly
conditions at Kctcpec ~h1'ina, and 3~,"fetr m~:cGures; re hen"r:r transport:-; uBin~ )~ii~hHay 102;
re maintenance depot re control of flooding and ice conditions l"e roads; re st1'p.f:t lights;
re ditChing of roads; :r8 tr:msfer s7GtCL1 for rural bUG patrons.
37. Letters dated July 4 and il, 1973 from'tb--ime ~lfflnt'ion Group re request for a grant.
38. Request of Mr. Charl€;s F. HcLaughlin for permission to move tr2iler to propert;r of
Joseph Dunhau, Spruce La,ke.
.39. ~"LJIrcKer~~;:S4~~~..:.~ ie~!~'of.;tat-m"""'~ar~ Guilford
ani Lancaster Sts., Saint John West. '
40. Estate of George Le\'/'if1 application for re-zoning of 6 acres of land, Gran:l.vie,,; Ave.
41. Mr5.~.;;,~. Campbell application for 1'{J-zoning of 94 Charlotte Street, ~ici.int John West.
4lA.Murdoch-Lingley Ltci. applicatiQ.n for re-z.oniQg.pf hot l.332,par~133}.1.. Sydney Ward,