1973-07-03_Agenda AGENDA COMMON CClJNCIL - as at 29th June, 1973, 1. Meeting oalled to orner, 4.00 p.m., July 3r'd - prayer. 2. ConNrrnation of minutes (June 25). 3. Mayor's renarks ACTING CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoices far equipment rental (Hatfield, Chitticks, Francis). 5. Payment or invoices fer equ1IJDent rental (Hatfield, Stephen, Ch1tticks). 6. Payment of invoioe far asphalt (Stephen). 7. Payment of invoice far gravel (Dexter). t"\ Payment of invoioe, purchase of tapp1r:g saddles, (Ql.r]ron). :i ~ Pa.vment of invoioe far soo. (Maritime Sod Ltd.) 10. Payment of invoioe, purchase of wat~ fittings. n. Re purchase of Scott air paks. 12. Re painting of #5 Fjre Station. 13. Report re quotations for liquid asphalt. 14. Report re terxlers far Motorized Equ1lJl]ent IV. 15. F1nano1al Statements. 16. Re applioations for gmve1 pit permits. 17. Re Western Irxlustr1al 'I'runkI!Sew~. 18. Re sanitary sewer arxl waterma1ns, I.akewood Heights area. 21. Re ten:l~s far de11X)l1tion of 190 Queen street, West. anl 7 Miin Street, West. (Ten:1ers close 2 p.m., July 3rd). 22. Re iss~ of warrant to fT. Thanas A. furley, No. 2 Ccrnparw, Salvage Carps. ~ CLERK 23. Third reading of amendment to Zoning By-law to re-zone the n:>rtheast corner of Loch U:m>rxl !bad arxl McAllister Drive and exterxl1ng in part to Silverstone Street for Shanrook Realty Ltd. (first am seoaxi readings given June 25). 24. Third re~ of amerxlment to Zoning By-Law to re-Zale larxl in the North Erxi Urban Renewal area to perm1 t development in accordance with the Urban Renewal Scheme. (first an:1 secorxl readings given June 25). 00MMl'lTEE'S AND cor+tISSIONS 25. Carm1ttee of the Whole report (June 11th). 26. Carm1ttee of the Whole report (June 18th). ~. Camdttee of the Whole report (June 25th). 28. Planning Advisory CaJm1ttee re re-zoning appl1oatioo, WIn. Rti>erts, St. Anne Street. 29. Planning Advisory CoIJm1ttee re zon1r:g arxl the Comn1ttee. 30. Report of Council CamJ1ttee on Pits ani Excavations. 31. Lan:i Carm1ttee re purchase of property, ~side Drive. 32. Larx1 Ccmn1.ttee re sale of 1an:l, Pickard Street. 33. Lan:1 Ccmn1ttee re purchase of property, loch LaJxmi. 34. Ian1 Ccmn1ttee re ea.seme11; to N. B. Electric Power Ccmn1ssion, Menzies lake area. GFm:RAL 35. Loyalist I8ys Inc. be civic lurx:heon. 36. Request far re-zoning, Hickey Road, Caldo Ltd. 37. lUquest fer re-zoning, Red Head Road, W. C. Rarxlles. 38. Acamac-South Bay Recreatioo Association re sidewalk. 39. Lawton's L1m1ted re l.1.qptr outlet, Prime Edward Square Mall. 40. S\mDerstook Youth Project request far grant. ,