1973-06-18_Agenda . I' ...., . , . !:-::..:. ~.:..... ..; J I~ fir ~... .. .. . '.,: .,. ',.. "t l' . '. '1 j . ' _~ I ., I . ------.-- .._- :,;". ;~,f1., 1:,.~~~ I .] t..i.~--/', J~/( .J. ;; ; .1 1 , I 1. .l:',~"'.:tln;:. c~llo"J to, ~)l~k::>, i,or; !:.~!'),~ .JurI': )r~ - pf'<.1:1<.:r. 2. Gu,j'1t'i;utJon of Jlu.nut,.;:u (Juu.;.! 11). 3. Il;J.'Jor t;) r(;:r(.4T'!~' N:rn !'; en", ;.'11-.1 rf,r;!.:n II. }'rmrent'vf :10-/01(;(::: for f:'VJ1~/;.':nt r'G!tii.i-rGtil.t.t.lcr.:;'-< H:.ttfield) 5. l-ayment of invo;lce for (.~-lllip!rf;:nrental(C. L, Ji'ranci~) , ~. l f>>UYlTmt of lrf/oice, :;tJtJrjr)an Jlum';;;T'lf;~ Ltd. 'r~ Pdymentof irr.ro1cc, C<Jrp~ :hpt3c ~':"Jr~-: ;;erv1~;c. 8. I'nymentofln'loice3 I'(: r<(.Jno'r-..ltion; to Ctty Hall buildine;. 9. Payment of Jnvoice, ~nt John Iron ~!orY.:::. 10. Progress paJment~ re projects urdertaken und<::r D.R.E.E. pr~anne. 11. Depr:JrlmentalmonthlY report& 12. ne oleant~contract, City Hall buiJ.ding. 13. He applicati~ rorer-avel pit permits. 14. Be propOsed nd~lt~t tra1ningprogr~. 15. p.ep<rt CI1house l'1\.1l'IIbA..rlng. . 16.. Be tendeT'stor' Larnevi11e l'lestern In1ustr1a1 \>later Supply) Contract 2, . arx:tsupply of va1v~s, Contract 4. 17, Resub-leasing a.rrangement., City Hall. l8'.A, Re tenders for Uniform Clothing II. l8B.Re temers for 'furnishings, golf course. . 19. He working~, !Deal ~86. 20. . Re work1ngagreement ,Ineal 771. ,21. ' ReTaxi By-Law. 2lA. He lease, C.B.C., 2n:l n~, City Hall. . . . oor~ CLERK . . 22. '1b1rd rea.d1ngof 81l'IEft~ to .ZOn:ing By...I.a\'I.re. property; 93 Loch I.aIx:n1 Read. (:L'1rSt am second readings given Jun~ 11', 1973). .' .~ t . ClTYSCLICrroR . .' 23. He amen:iment to Taxi By-law. 24. . He Moostilead Brewer~e5 Ltd. 25. Be legal fees. ~AH>S, Cl})r.u."J.'l~ ANDCXI4r-7ISSIQ'S 26. . Hcrninat1ng Ctmn1ttee report. . Z1. Camdtteeof 'the\'1hole report (June 11th). 28. PJ.ann1.ng Adv1sory Ccr:rn1ttee rePetrot1pa. Canada. Ltc!. re,;.zoh1ng request. 29. PJ.ann1.ng Adv1soryCkmnitteere Jiornen W.:Francis' Ltd. property, Sanerset Street. 30. Planning Adv1aory Ccmn1ttee reG& R Investlr.ents'Ltd. re-zoning request. 31. Board of. Trustees" C1Vic Fnployees Pens10nPlan reretirement of Asst . Chief' of' Pollce. 32. Boanl of' 'trustees, Civic ~loyees Pension Plan reret1rement. of'Div1s1ooa.l Inspector. 33. Board of Trustees ,C1t1cthployeesPe11$lon Plan ~e ~loyees reaching retirement age ,in 1973. . . . , ,.' . ,. .. . , t . 0iHJmAL 3'1" Sa1ntJohn.Sa1th &xl Tenants' Aasoe1atlCl'l, Inc. re haJs1ng. 35. Pet1t1Q'l re a1r poJ.htt1C1\. . .. 36. Ro.Ja1C8na41atl Art1Uer;vAssoc1atlCXl.('!be Loyal Caq)any) re meDDr1a1.. n. Mr. JOhn G. Kelly re this )'ear', SW1nl:rstOCkYouth P.roject. ..---""- 7/ .... , " . .. ...,.-."....:~....--,,.,,.;.-';. ' I \,&iiii,W;,,;~~.~~'ijihi "U~i~tiiiiiirikA,:': h "'~";;"