1973-06-11_Agenda . r ' 't'"!'"'- t,' " ':J,j, ~ r, .' ~ . ~. (" . , '7 ' . "". . j I, ~ ~ I --.-- ci;~' (i~ ;j1,h Junf:J' 1()?3. ~ - , ) ,- . l.k:(;tini; c<~ll(;d tv ordt~T', L~o(;(} n.r:... Jun~: 11 - prayer. ConfirwLtlon of rr,irll. t.C~1 (JiLL;)' ;:(~). l1ayor I s rer,1Cl.rks. 1. 3. h. 5. L U - Presentat:.on of honour Cl:rt.ificate to Hiss E1izab(.:th O'Keefe. ~.O ,>ora. Pre5en'.:.;:~tion of Hfmour Certificate to Hr. Jack 11k1xwell. I.. . UU p. in . - ",..~ 5 .15 p.m. _ Sandra Bishop, Suzanna Crank, Katherine Foz Honteith and James Alexander Fox, to appear to shov: c<:.:.u~:;e why building at 7 Eaj n St., "Hest, sflould not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated vuilding; repo:-t from Dlde.lnspector. - Hohert George I....awson and Fra:;er brittain, to appear to sho\'1 cause \-lhy buildinr; at 190 (~w:;en St., \Jt~st, should not be rer:lOvcd or aestroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building; report 1'rorl1 Bldg. Inspector. 6. 5.UO p.m. 10. 5.50 p.m. - Presentation of brief by Hr. David H. Russell, Barrister, on behalf of resident~ of vJooc1.ward Ave. and Donaldson St. re sewer flooding problems. - Presentation of petition by Hr. Horman Ferguson, on beh&lf of residents of Lorneville, for improvements to Houte 81u (Lorneville Hd.). Hr. Gre..lam J. Sleeth, Barrister, and client, 111's. llarjorie Thompson, re request to re-zone property at 181 Dayside Drive. 8. 5.30 p.m. 9. 2.40 p.m. 23. 6.00 p.m.:- Proposed re-zoning of 93 Loch Lomond Rd. property (K.}~llory & E.W. Clark). - Letter from Plannine Advisory Committee re Item 11. - Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendr:!ent 1'0 Section item 45- Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment, re-zoning - Third reading of Zoning BY-UlW amenmnent, re-zoning and McAllister Drive. - Letter from Acting City lfanager re Item 15. - Third reading of 8.LlCnd..'nen~, re closing of portion of Kine; St.Ext., Saint John W. - Prpposed closing of p02,tic/Tl of Third St. (Snow St. formerly). - Letter from Hr. George Smith. objecting to closing of Third St. - Letter froo lvIessrs. J. Cecil Kirkpatrick, Hazen Kirkpatrick and R. Eldon lQrkpatrick objecting to closing of Third St. Proposed closing of portion of Ulncaster St. . - Letter from }~. !~urice 3. Bm~ns obj~cting to erection of a permanent building on portion of Lancas ter ~)t. pro pos ed to be closed. - Letter from Planning Advisory Comrri.ttee re proposed re-z.)ning, and propos~d street closing at Centre St" Saint John West. - Proposed re-zoning of land, Centre St. (first reading given }~y 22, 1973). - Proposed closing of part of Centre St. (first reading given Hay 22, 1973). 183 ( 2 ) . Dominion Park Road land. laoo between Hark Drive 11. 12. 13. 14. See 15. l6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. ACTmG CITY HANAGffi 26. Re disposition of property at Simms Corner (foroer Nelson property). 27. Re water problem at 38 Catherwood St. (l1rs. Lino Pascon). 28. Re Golden Grove Hoad improvements. 29. Re purchase of control and monitor system for lulford-Randolph-Greendale Collector Sewer, sewage pumping stations. , 30. Re Lorneville \'[estern Industrial v,'ater Supply, Contract 3-Pipe Supply (storage yard, N.B.Telephone Co.Ltd. lines relocation). 31. Re flood control - l~rsh Creek. 32. ~dyment of invoice, Lord Bcaverbrook Rink. 33. Payment of invoice for asphalt (~)tephen Construction). 34. Progress payrllents re projects undertaken under De pt.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 35. Report re bids for gang mO\vers for golf course. 36. Report re bids for purchase of a trailer. 37. Heport re bids on fire hose. 38. Report re hids on furniture for p,olf course. 39. Re Western garage (Ld. on table }~y 22, 1973). 40. Paym~nt or l.nvol.ce, water rate billing. 4].. Payment of invoice, Canron Ltd. , 4~. Payment of invoice, Hatfield 's Ltd. 43. Financial Statements. 41.. Re regional. offices of Deot.Regional Economic Ex~nsion. 45. Re proposed re-zoning of land, Dominion Park Hd. (see item 14). 4"0. Re payment to Gerald J. Ryan, Ltd. re Hickey Rd.. work (site services). 47. Letter from Gerald J. Ryan, Ltd. rc item 46. 48. Re Dunhill Sub-division off &>merset St. - services sub-division agreement. 53. 54. CITY SOLICITOR Procedure to follow re Rockwood Park golf course concession for food and drink to sell alcoholic beverages. Re agreement between City and Lockharts Limited re land conveyance. \ , - ~ - i I \ 'I LidJIJ GO:,;.'U'I'TIJ; 55. Payrt:rIt to Robert H. Setzke for eaSf.:L]UJlt. 56. .PaymenL to Gerald Beamisb fo~ c,..\~ement. 57. Purcha.se of land, Sherwood Drive, from Champlain lIeigl'Jt.s Ltd.; re access to the backlan:iB. 58. Sale of 4 easements to IJew B1.'un:;\<lick Elect.ric Power Commission; re pulp ./ood. 59. Closure of portion of Victoria St. and sale of su.'lle to Hr. Douglas Shaw (less la-foot strip of land). 60. Payment to Dynamic Construction for easement. 61. Sale or land to Canada ~Jire C'( Cable Limited. , i mmAN PJJ.!V.iAL 62. Payment of appraisal fees. 63. Paymcnt of fees for professional services. 64. PaJ'I:lent of h1.nd Conpensation Board avlard re Bentlc}l St. property, l~st.Dudley HC::l.ffett. 65. Tenders re demolit.ion of 112 Ilockland Rd. COl1HITTEES 66. Committee of vlhole report. 67. Planninp, Advisor;y Committee and Planning Dept. report re service stations.. 68. Planning Advisory Cortlmittee re mobilc homes policy. 69. Planning Advisor;;' Committee re Hurcorp Ltd. proposed housing project. 70. Planning Advisor;y Co~,uttee re Oland's Breweries application to re-zone 294 Simms St. (see i tern fH). 7l. 72. GENERAL Letter from Andave Limited re proposed sub-division at Harcourt Heights - application (1~. David Reevey will be present at meeting to answer guestions~ fftoecesraCtJ. Crir~e Prevention Committee progress report (Hr. Percy Goas5~p~rrI~)~ ~}:~sgnt a'tuBeeting to anS\<lcr qUf:.:stions, if nec(;ssarJr). Imperial Oil Limited re proposed sell-serve gasoline outlet. Operation Intercept re budget. . 141". D. F. l1acGovlan, Barrister re allocation of civic numbers, review. Mr. H. F. Reicker and H. Dorothy Reicker re condition of street near 177 Millidge Ave. and flooding in basement of their home; damages to fence. Hr. Arthur R. Scribner re transfer of ownership of Loch Lomond Bus Line. Mr. and Hrs. vlilliam Hoberts, 30 Hoc:kcliff St., Saint John East, requesting reconsideration of application for re-zoning. Mr. Ronald 1. Martin re flooding of .:lroperty at l"irst Loch Lamond, and placing of topsoil. Recipients of S<unt John, North End \ielfare Rights Group, re Provincial Govt. policy re rental ceiling. Application of Central Trust Co. of Canada for re-zoningof 294 Sim-n.s St. (see item 70). Application of James E. HcLean and Robert A. McLean for re-zoning of lam, Ashburn Rd. Application of G & R Investments Ltd. for re-zoning of land, \!estmorland Rd. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 8l. 82. 83. .I \ ., ' "