1973-05-14_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th May, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. Ha.y 14 - prayer. 2. Confi.l....lUt.ion of wi1,ut(.:~ (i~:T:; ;.;.ul Ma;r 8). 3 . Hayor 's remarks. C~':'Y ~VJ~'..(~2~ 4. Progress paYZ'lcntG re projflctu un:~ertal~en l.mdt:lr 8c;)t.0.egion<~1 ::cononie :i..)~i.:K.LsLm j"l1'o,~ramme. 5. Report re tcnl<cr for p.:,ving of E..:.rnhill E~lnor ial Scltoo~. ,';lU 11. :,,;]'c,ld ':'U(!d :leuo2'ial SCI,;ol tenni::l courts. 6. ileport of activities of He creation and Parks Dept. for Jcmuar;y, February and March, 1973. " '. .f .00 p.m. COlirr.ON CL::I1K .. ProposE-d rE.-~onine of land betHeen P.othesay ~~d. 2.nd ;{acka:" Ei[h'.;;l~- for D::trk:-drle DI'vel00- ments Ltd. (first rcaditli: tu Z(miI\:"; D:r-L'n; ancndI:,ent \;.'13 given J,p:,. 9, 1<}73). ct.. Propo~ed re-zoning of appro::il::Jately 9 acree, Bouthcrl:r side of Ur.iversit:- llVe. :or un;vel..';t'T ut"~c"'t~~' "10"5'.1."1<' (o~~"'3t rEa,l~"'l.;r to n'-_'''l, ~-1'.rl,1'1""'+ \'''''' ,";.ren ID~ 11 111rr'J) ... v......J ~.J..... _ 1. LO. "'..> ...,J.... ... '-4."".L~ .l.~u 06.10...... cJ.J.'.~. 4i"'-~.lV ; c.....) b.J...\.; ..}...." ........ .'.-J · ~... Letter f:'orn Planninf; hjvi~,or:{ GaLli .:.l,tee l'C propo::;ed :,e-z.oning of land, Centre :Street, ;,jaint Jotm i-Jest, curl propoi;j(;d cloning of enc:. section of said Contre Street, for 360 Developr.lent Co. Ltdo 10. Proposeu. re-zoning of ~aici land on Centre St. for 3(,0 Ikvelopmcnt Co. Ltd. -U. Proposed closing of s~id section of Centre ~t. for 360 D.welopnent Co. Ltd. ~'. Letter i'roo l-icNulty Cartage Ltd., ohjectinD to 5<"id proposed closinG of section of Centr,e St. urmAN nLNLliAL ~.._Tenders re demolition of 83 1~ore Sv. \ \ \ \ 15. 16. C01'ilGTTI:I:S Planning Advisory Cor:Jmittee re proposed ch~mbe in Conprehcnaive Conr::.unit~- Plan ere presentation :5-'lde on behalf of Mr. L.v:. Thompson of Locb Lomond). PlanninG Advisory Comoittee re further amendment to Zoning By-Law re proposed new zoning\ classification of restricted industrial. Planning Advisory COl.1.ll. Use re varying Common Council resolution of Septer::ber 17, 1971 re Lot 8, Turnbull Sub-di vision, Somerset Street, for Norman vI. ~;'rancis Li.-;rl.ted project. \ \ \ 14. 20. G!:.?{Eru\L ::esiYlation of Mr. Ros~ E. CO\'mn from Planning fl.dvisory Corz.uttee. Loyalist Days Conx.uttee requesting balance of appropriation for 1973 re Loyalist D2YS. School District Nur.:1ber 20 School Board Principal, Hr. Ralph C. McKay, requesting a grant from City to Barnhill Juni-or itigh School Steel Band re Tulip f'estival participation. Messrs. fulI::1er, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull & Turnbull, for client, Mr.. 1:alter A. !3eckett, suggesting amendment of the Comprehensive Community Plan to al1~r client to develop his proP-Osed sub~ivision on Acamac Backland P.d. AmenWnents to Special Areas Agreement. 17. 18. 19. 21. ----- -...- ..---.---. ----~~ ""