A G E-J!.1L.! COMMON COUNCIL - as at 4th May, 1973.
1. }1eeting oalled to order, TUESDAY. 4.00 p.m.. May 8 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 30).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Pa~~ment of invoice for asphalt (Stephen).
5. F8~nt of invoices for equipment rental (Corbett; Hatfield; Chittick).
6. Tenders report re motorized equipment III.
7. Tenders report re uniform clothing.
8. Recommendation to change oolour of CitJr IS automobile fleet.
.,. Re sale of 61 te of Irving Oil Company, North End Urban Renewal Scheme, Site "H".
9A. ROSBit'ish..l.Dl.lschenes & Barre~~reco~n~~~ ~yment for land aurveJTing, partial payment of
arch ectura~ reea and suo s~-.a~~~bnaC~ ga~age).
1Q. Re proposed olosure of balance of Third Street, for Federal Department of Public vlorks.
li. Resignation of City Manager - resolution required.
9B. Re Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority budget. 9C. Notice of Arbitration Award ani reguet
COMMITTEES for authorization to pay Gerald J . Ryar
12. Committee of Whole report..
13. Land Col.lllJli.ttee re proposed closing of portion of Lancaster Street and reoommending sale
of same to Mr. Ray }.furphy.
14. Civic Improvement am Beautification Committee re spring street cleaning programme.
15. Civio Improvement and Beautification Committee re lot behini Lord Beaverbrook Rink.
16. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re Anti-Litter By-Law.
17. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning of land, University Ave., for studentF
housing project.
18. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed. co-operative housing project of Coastal Co-Operl
19. Letter from Coastal Co-Operative Housing Ltd.. re above item.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed mobile home park development by Maritime Auto
and Trailer Sales Ltd.. at southeasterly corner of intersection off Churchland and Golder.
Grove Reis.
21. Plarming Advisory ColIllllittee re application of Mr. Norman Vautour to locate a mobile home
on lot. Kerr St.
22. Planning Advisory Committee re app1ica.tion of Mr. Neil Olesen to install gasoline tanks
and pumps in front of the OFA Store on his property.
22A.Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mr. Kenneth L. Mallory for re-zoning at
93 Looh Lomon!i Rd.
23. Dep). aqt Minister of Municipal Affairs re Promissory Note from City re sanitary sewer to
Parkway Mall; covering letter from' CODlIlOn Clerk, re authority to execute Promissory Note.
24. Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re bwlget - April, 1973 to March 31, 1974.
25. Mr. Eric L. Teed, M.L.A. re recovery of money advanced by City re o~rations of the first
container crane for thl!l Port of Saint John by Brunterm Ltd. at a de-ticit.
26. Petitio~ from residents of Woodlawn Park Sub-division, Red Head, requesting tm t City take
over owne~ship ot~eaid street, and provide municipal services.
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