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COMMON COUNCIL - as at 27th April, 1973.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. April 30 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 16 RBi 23).
3. Hayor's remarks.
Propo88d '
4. !:l.OO p.m. - ~')';:: between Qnega Investments Limited and City re proposed
develoJlIlent of land, Millidgeville r~states.
(a) - Letter. from Mr. V. E. Desmond.
(b) : Letter from Messrs. l~80n & Collier, solicitors for H.C.McNanwra Construction
Co., Ltd.,Manford M. Thompson Co. Ltd., Blair Construction Co.Ltd., Shamrock
Realty Ltd., and Custom Developers Ltd.
(c) - Letter from Mr. Harry G. Coh:ell.
(d) - Letter from South Em Tenants I Associatioz" Inc.
5. Payment of asphalt invoice (Stephen Construction).
6. .Payment of equirI~nt rental invoices (Chittickl Hatfield; Corbett).
7. Payment of equipJitint rental invoic~s (Francis; Corbett).
8. Payxqent of invoice for timbers for piggery gravel pit (Mackay Forest Products).
9. Re athletic grants (Saint John Amateur Speedskating; Saint John High Sch 001 Volleyball;
Lancaster Kiwanis Midgets; Moosehead Senior Men's Basketball).
Monthly reports: Fire Dept. (Mar.); Street Dept. (Jan., Ftlb. & Mar.).
Quotations for one turf tractor for Rockwood Park golf course.
Quotations for fertilizer for Rockwood Park golf course.
Re repairs to 1;0. ~~ tractor - expenJ.iture over $1,000.00.
Re new motor for No.5 Michigan loader - expenditure over ~l,OOO.W.
He purchase 01' mechcmicc.l joint oeOOs re watermain relocution, C.N.R. trestle below Marsh
br idge .
Re (a) agreement bE:tl'leen N.B.Electric Power Cormdssion and City for oonstruction of a water.
line to the \'festern Lorneville area; and
(b) tenders for al~aring l&m for right-of-way for above waterline (Letter re same laid
on table Apr. 23, 1973 for further information as rtlquired).
Various applications for gravel pit permits.
1973 Clean-Up Canl.paign.
Re liability insuranoe.
PJ.anning Advisory Committee
Westmorland Road.
Third reading of proposed. amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone
land on ~iestmor1a.nd Road.
report re Jroposed re-zoning for Rocca Leaseholds Ltd. on
for Rocca Leaseholds Ltd.
22. Re MacKnight Motors - 9 Rockwood Avenue.
22A.Re Omega Investments Limited, lti.11idgev1l1e - legal security.
23. New resolution required, to lease land off Sandy Point Rd. to New BMmSwick Telephone
Company, Limited, and re an easement, re tower and building site.
24. Purchase 01' land, corner Milford and Green Head Rds. from Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint
25. Conveyance of undeveloped portion 01' Sherwood Drive, Champlain Heights, to Moose Mounta:
Farms Limited, les8 right-of-way.
26. Purchase of 400 Union St. (Lot 2) from Mrs. Catherine Kelly.
27. Purchase of vaca.nt lam. off Hnion St. 1'1'011 New Brunswick Publishing Company Limited.
.,.eg. City Market Committee re fire exit, second floor, Charlotte St. Market building.
29. Report of Planning Advisory ComL1i.ttee, wit.h nconmendations on the Comprehensive Commur
~ (Apr. 16 - laid on tablet. Please refer to copies sent with Council meeti~
oorrespondence of April 9).
30. Planning Advisory Committee re restricted imustrial zoning.
31. Planning Advisor,y Committee re H. McNamara Construction Co. Ltd., application re re-zoni
in Silver Falls Park ~ub-difision.
32. Planning Advisory CoJl1l.ilittee re Boar's Head Road ioiustrial area.
3-3. Planning Advisory Committee re Angus .Me1all6On application for re-zoning, off Green Head
34. Planning Advisory Committee re granting temporary permits for mobile homes.
35. Planning Advisory Committee re Ma100lm Tobias application re mobile home.
36. Planning Advisory Committee re Brian Hayward application re mobile home.
37. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board re Highland Gaa:s request for financial assistance. I
.38. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board re Kennebecasis Rowing Club request that City pay 0.1'
for a four-oar shell.
39. Master Plumbers Examining Board re issuanoe or mast.er plumbers license to Douglas Quigl
..39A.Tourist and Convention Promotion Committee re representation trom Saint John on Touris . .
GENERAL Advisory Council of province.
40. Re proposed appointment of a Community Appeals Review Board (Councillor Mac(}Q./8n). ~
41. Letter from Mr. Robert M. WaterB re ol.aim for damages (l.aid on t.abl.e Apr. l.6, 1973) - Sf ,
report from Lan:i Commit tee to Council. members.
- -to
... /r:.., ?
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42. Minister of 'Lourism re provinoial "Clean-Up'~ week.
43. Mr ~WiIliarrl .P. ,;01Br1.0m'~1"e pr:cser'U'Lion of Saint' 5 Rest rmrsh area of Saint John West.
44. Hea.ther Sooiety and Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 14 Junior Pipes and Drums re 1973
band concert schedule.
45. Saint John District Labour Council re incidents of shooting of guns at passing vehicles.
~6. Mr. Nci.l R. Mwm re parking violation ticket, and lack of parking space in area of 53
Carmarthen Street.
47. Mr. Graham J. Sleeth, Barrister, re application of Mrs. Marjorie G. Thompson for re-zoning
at 181 Bayside Drive.
48. Mr. D. A. Botchett, withd.rawing bid to purchage 193U L&.France fire engine.
49. N.B. Antique Auto C1ub,withdrawing bid to purchase 1930 1a}'rance fire engine.
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