1973-04-02_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL as at 30th March, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. April 2 - prayer. 2. Confil'liK,tion of ninutes (Ii<.~rch 26). 3 . MaJror 'B remarks. v. err:';: Hi.lJAGl::? Payuent of invoices for equipnent rental (Corbett; Chitticl~s; Hc;.tfield). ProgrtJss pcl~1:aent~ re 1>roj~~cts undertaken under De;lt. Eei;ion.:-.l I:conocic Expc:.nsion progranme. Pa~rment of 1973 real propert;y taxes. Re grunts heing I.1i;'.ue to Cum.clian CJ'stic Fibrosis Foundation (nationcll convention), and to H. B. Boxing !l.ssocic.tion (hostinG deleg"ten to Golden Gloves Competition). Re operation b~r Cit;)' for 1973-71. ~;t:ason of RocbiOOC Pi.,r::~ golf course. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. COHi10N CLLH.K Third readinr; of proposed new Tmd 13;r-Law. CE'Y ~()LICI':1."OR 10. Re unsightl~. prel;ise3 of l1:1cKnif,ht Hotors L:i.r.rl.ted near intersection of Ashburn Lake Road and J on~~f> Drive. li. DrCtft of mnendrJ.u~tf' to the Cit:~ of ~)aint John Pensior: Act 1'e presentatior, of Bill to N. B. Legis1a tW"s. LA.IJD COI1MITTEI: 12. Re land for U.IJ.B.-0.J. ~jt.udent8' lwprElsl~nt(.:.tive COlIDcil student housing project. 13. Re purcbase of land i'ron United Church af Cunada, Sooernet St. COEI1I'1''::'EES 14. Planning Achrif-Jor;-,' COIJr.:ittec rc pl'opoL;:.:d addition to flPI;leb~.r's P'noto-Service Ltdo building, r<:er 52 Dock ~;t. 15. Planning Advisor~r GOL1Littee rccot:ll.::lending :uJcndment to Zoning 13;r-J..<1\. to pcrmt N .B. Telt:phont; Conp(m~', Ltd. to er(~ct (~ N:.dio to\lcr beti:een EOvfe' '-3 Lctl:e anci Ha;;rflo1'ler Lake. 16. Plann5_n~ J,dv~sorr Cor:rr:utt.ee re Ci~rleton-Kirk United Church proposed redevelopment of LanCcister St. pro pertJr . GDlrP..AL 17. He plcbbcitc, hm;pital site - golf course (11a~ror Lockhart). 18. Nr. \"1. K. Usher for l:Btnte of Helen I~. U:3her, 1'8 quef,tion of m.Tlership of lema on \lhich is located "City of Saint John lielcot'lt;" sign in MHrtinon a!'ea. 19. lIir. David J. Green re finnnciul support for ~3outh End Hecreation Pl'oi;rilIIlDe. 20. tir. D. L. ~;t:raclwn, ChainIDn, Tattoo Conmi Uee, re :proposed Hidclar:c. Gatheri ng.