1973-03-12_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th March, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, l~.O(; )).H.. March 12 - pra;rer. 2 Confinnation of minutes (14arch 5). . :3 . Ma;ror' s remarks. COMMON CLERK Third reading of amendrJent to Zoning B~T-L1W to re-zone for Dunhill Enterprises Ltd. land on northEJrn fJide of Somerset St. to permit erection of five 6-unit a~rtment buildings, from "US-2ft to lIRM-l" multiple residential district classification. o+A. Re condition of Lorneville Road (Councillor Green) (see item 8). CITY HANAGEH 5. Consideration of proposals for operation of golf course, Samy Point Rd. (laid on taLle one week, March 5, for stud~' b:' Council) 6. Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Chitticks). 6A. Progress payments re projects undertw<:en under Dept. Regional Econom.c Expcmsion progrWl1lll'3. (Further items from City HanHger - to follow) CITY SOLICITOR 7. Re proposed 1973 agreement between CitJr Hnd Snint John Archers re a!"cher;r range at ROCh."Ylood Pct.rk. 8. PI'oponed amendment to TrcSfic By-li,w. (see item 4A). 9. Re Prince F.d\r{ard Square Ltd. - flmendMent to lease. urlBAN RENEvlAL 10. Re tenders for landscaping in Hocklam R08d, Millidge and Moore Stn. areel. C01-1MITrEES 11. Nominating Committee report. 12. Planning Advisory Committee re mobile home application of Mr. and .HI's. Charles Wilson. 13. Plarming Advisory CornrJ1ttee re proposed re-zoning for A. C. Fain/eather & Sons Ltd. of larxi on Ashburn Road. 14. Proposed third. reading of amendment to Zoning ~r-La:w re proposed re-zoning for A. D. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. of land on Ashburn Road. GEmmAL 15. Re co at of meals for members of Common Council (Councillor Vin cent) . 16. Mr. Leslie Robertson, 174 Lansdowne Avenue, re problem of dirt:r "Jater. 17. 360 Development Co. Ltd. application for re-zoning of property on Centre St., Saint John West, for apartment buildings. r. .. -