1973-03-05_Agenda T - AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd March, 1973. 1. Heeting called to order, .00 P.Ll. March - prayer. 2. Confirmation of min\ltes (February 26 . 3 . 14ayor t El remarks. 4. 5.00 p.m. _ Mr. Robert h. Burke to appear to show cause why building at 232-234 Sydney St. should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dila pida ted bui ldi ng . _ Hr. Donald 1\.. Burke to appeur to sho..; cause l-ihy building at 232-234 Sydney St. should not be removed or uestroyed. as a dangerouB or dilapidated building. _ G.A.C. International Finance Corp.Ltd. to a.ppear to show cause why building at 232-234 ~lydney ~)t.should!lot be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapida- ted building. _ Mr. A. John Debly to appear to show ca.use \'m;T buildinf-S at 232-234 Sydney St. should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated buj.lding. _ Report from Building Inspector re condition of 232-234 Sydney St. 5. 5.00 p.m. _ Proposed re-zoning for Dunhill Enterprises Ltd. of land on northern side of Somerset St. t:> permit erection of five 6-unit apartment buildings, from "Rs_2lt to "IU4-1" multiple residential district classification. 6. 8.00 p.m. - Propoaed by-la\'l to adopt The Comprehensive Community Plan. Related - Comments submitted by Mr. J. D. Lockhart. Corraspondence- Comnents subndtted by Mr. John R. Fraser. _ Letter from Mossrs. McKelvey, Macaula~T, Machum & Fairweather on behalf of client, Mr. David Isaacs and family. _ Letter from Mr. Thomas F. Crowley (same letter as submitted to Jan. 5 Council hearing re Comprehensive Co~unity Plan). .. .L(;t't.:.;.l.' trOll:. Givlc IwpI'CJvetl6nt aml Bt:aut1ficatir.)t~ C:J;$,ittee. COHHON CLF;RK 7. Third reading of amendment to Street Closing By-Law to close portion of Margaret St. for Manford. M. Thompson Conf'.truction Co., Ltd. CITY MANAGER 8. Award of tender for a tanker truck for the }<'ire Dept. 9. Award of tendtlr for traffic mterials. 10. Pa~rIOOnt of invoice f.or equipment rental (n. Hatfield Ltd.). 11. .January report - Fire Dept,. 12. Award of tenders for inst a lla tion of underground hydro services on Main St. ani Lansdowne Ave. 13. Consid6ration of proposals for operation of golf course, Sandy Point Rd. (M;~a:yrs, ~~~d5). ,J.4. Re automobile tleet insuranoe for 1973. C ,'15. Capital Budget 1973-1977. 16. Award. of tenders for Motorized Equipment I. .~ "")~. COMMITTEES Civic Lmprov.ment and Beautification Committee requesting construction of concrete side- walk and. proper curbing for one side of Main St. West in 1973 capital budget, and that 1974 capital budget inclwie appropriation for the alternate side of said street. 21. URBAN RENEWAL Acquisition of freehold of 23 High st. from Estate of }<'rederick Hagee. Payment of accounts, Canadian Corps of Commissionaires - watchmen' 6 services re 23 High Pa;rment of appraisal fees (Roy de Stecher & AssociELtes Ltd.; Appaisals (Fundy Ltd.); Tri-Town Realty). Payment of Professional fees (Pa.lmer, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull & Turnbull; Debly & Gorman; Nason & Collier; McKelvey, MacaulB.jT, Kachum & Fairweather) - re North End and. viaduct projects. St. 18. 19. 20. GElamAL 22. Re problem of garbage accumu1.a tion (Councillor Black). 23. The Misses Nellie ami Blanche Jones re""Stalo Taxi relocation. 24. Spruce Lake Ratepuyers Assoc. requesting installation of sidewali~ flanking Spruce Lake Scho: 25. Spruce Lake Ratepayers Assoc. requesting proper ditching ani adequate drainage on Colpitts Ave. ani Armstrong Rei. in Spruoe Lake area. - 2 - 26. Students' Represent.:.tive Council of Univer~it~r cf IJ.B. in Saint John Inc. submitting name of TorTe Hunter for consideration for appointment to Canada Sumcer Games 1977 Committee. 27. Messrs. \:illet & Marquis on behalf of client, Mr. Herman S. Carpenter, re water drainage problem at 1703 Manawagonish Road. 2$. Kp.nnebecasia Howing c>.nd Canoe Club Inc. l'equ~Ltii!g tLat Cit~r 0:1' ~aint John finance a ~ .1'our-oar shell for said Club. 29. Oranciview Avenue Home and School Asooc. re extension of water an.1 sewerage to or beyond the lrrandview Avenue eleIllbnta1~- schvol anu Boylan Road area. \ \