1973-02-26_Agenda AGENDA COHHon COUNCIL - 118 at ;!Jrd February, 1973. 1. ') ..... Meetin~ called to order, 4.00 P.fl.. February 26 - prayer. Confirr:~ tion of mnutes ( Februar:r 19). Mayor's remarks. 3. 4. 2-.00 p.m. - Proposed amendnent to Street Closinr; B~r-lil,"l, to close a portion of H.argaret Street for Munford M. Thompson Construction Go., Ltd. ). COMMcm CLERK Third reading of TrC'l.ffic By-Lay! amendment (establishing speed lir::d.ts on certain streets). CITY HA.NAGER 6. PajT.lent of progress certificates 1"8 projects undertaken uncier Uept.Regional Econonuc Expansion pro gramrne. 7. Financial Statements - December. 8. January reports: Polic~ De!)t.; Building Inspection Dept., including Plumbing Division. 9. Tender award: McAllister IndustriRl Park - external services l6-inch watermain, Old Rbck River Road. lt4 Report on De:nt.. of n""V-O!1a1 Economic Expansion projects. 11. Report re Forest Hi 11s ..;11. tel' pre ssure problem (Mr. J. P. Logan complaint). 12. Report re flooding !lroblem, Greendale Sub-division.area. 12A. Re Fire Department: weight, height and education of recruits. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. CO!'I1'!ITl'EES & BOAP.DS Comm1 t tee of 'l:fuolp re :)Qrt (Februe ry -5). Commi ttee of Whole report (FlJbru."_r~r 19). Committee of h'holc rr~!1ort (FebrtlllrY 19). Nominatim" Comrdt teA :report. Planning Advisor;r Gonmitteo re Millidgeville Estates nroposed develo]X'l(mt in Millictgeville area. (see item 25) Re status ot' Zon:i.ng A';)pelll Board; re requirement for parkin; H~lces for BrurlSNick Hous. building, comer King and Prince William Streets. 19. 20. GFNERAL Resignation of Councillor Gerald S. Merrithew frotl Conr:.ton Council. Power Commission of CitJT of Saint John supplying requefltt~d information re invoice for 'Work done in relocating pole line, Sand:: Point Road (invoice laj.cl on table Jem.22,1973). Mr. Burton L. Purcell requesting reconsideration of decisi.on ma.de by Planning Advisory Committee re hia desire to create a fifth apartrnent at 17-19 Robinson Street. Request from Cormnunity Menls-on-v,'heels Comr..ti.ttee for financial aseintance fl'OI:I City, re 8upplJring meals to elcterlJr, shut-in and f3;l~KJ(~rsons. Petition from residents of the side roadAk t'fi'eeJm~rlln.ce to l-h'. Ronald Stubbs residence, requesting that B~id road be ploughed, salted ElOO sanded. during the winter raonths. Dr. Honalil:-'l'. Craig re flOoding problem in area around \vellesley Avenue and Dufferin Avenue. Building and Construction Trade~ Council re land development project in M1llidgeville area for Omega Investment (see item 17). 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ___----L_______ -- - -----