COMMON COUNCIL - as at 16th February, 1973.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. February 19 - pra~rer.
2. Confirmation of minuttts (Jo'ebruary 12).
3 Mayor's remarks.
Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment (set-back distance from street Line).
Third. reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment (to re-zone 131 Bellevue Ave. and
136 Virginia Ave. tor r'ourth Lendorff (Canada) Ltd. to p!'ovide additional parking for
lDch Lomond Shopping Cent re ) .
Third reading of proposed amendment to Street Closing By-Law (to close VJinston Court
for Centennial Properties Ltd..).
Land Comndttee re deed to Centennial Properties Ltd.. of Winston Court subject to easement
or right-of-way re City's water and sewer lines maintenance.
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8. Fire Servioe Training proposal (M & C 7.3-48).
9. Payment of invoice., Canadian-British Consultants Ltd., rur analysis of Gerald J. Ryan
Co., Ltid. claim re }f.a.rsh Creek Sewerage Scheme.
10. Report. on Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion projects.
ll. Authority for appropriation of $2,434.00 re reproduct.ion of Comprehensive Community Plan
per the Planning Ad.visorJ~ Cormai. tte..
12. SUIlIIlRry of report of Thorne, GUJU1, Hel1iwtlll & Christensen re golf course.
13. Payment of progress certificates and invoices re Dept. Regional Economic Expansion projects.
14. Payment of Progress Claim 5 to JOlm Flood. & Sons (1961) Ltd. re Reversing Falls tourist
bureau extension.
15. Re lDrd Beaverbrook Rink financial. statement.
l5A.Authority requested to demolish building at 263 Main Street.
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16. Proposed 6mlendment to Traffic BJ'-Law (establiShing speed limits on certain streets).
17. Committee of Whole report ere calling propooalo for golf course operation.
18. Market Co!l11lli.ttee re rental of office space, City Market.
19. Planning Advisory Coanittee re varying City of Lancaster resolution of October 15, 1963 to
permit the McDonald Restaurant now proposed by Cambridge Leaseholds Ltd. at K-Mart Plaza.
20. Plarming Jl.d.visoIj~ Comrlit.tee requesting use of the Planning Department as the secretariat
to the Planning Advisor~r CollWi tt.ee.
21. New Brunswick Canada Game.. Rifle Teaa, further to request made to Council on January 31,
1973 for a grant to assist in purchasing rifle..
22. Mr. J. D. MacCallum, Q. C., solicitor for Lee R. Fawcett and Star Taxi, requesting
extension until May 1st, 1973 of thi. taxi operation at present site, on south side of
City F..oad.
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