COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th February, 1973.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.rn.. Febne ry 12 - prayer.
2. Confirm&.tion of ninutes (January 31 and. Febrwr~r 5).
3. Mayor's remark6.
* 8.
* 9.
* 10.
* li.
Noto: IteLlli remaining from agenJ.a of February 5 meeting are marked tbusly. *
* 4. Recommendation for underground wiring - Saint John East Residential Land Bank.
* 5. Recommendation for project payments for Dept.Regional Economic Ex~.nsion projects(payment
, .,.atification).
* /" -;/.cormnendation for pajrr.tEmt 01' $1,027.20 for equipment rental (Chittick's).
.onthly departmental reports for period ending Dec. 31, 1972.
Application bj' tT.D.Irving Ltd. for eXClivation permit for area known as Collins Farm.
Authorization and confirmation of rates for 1973 to Corps of Commissionaires.
Recommendations re connecting route in Fore~t Hills Sub-cthd..sion.
Recommendations to establish various speed zones.
RecOI!1l!lendation for project pH:rments for Dept.Regional Economic Expansion projects.
14. Re execution of Supplemental AgreelOOnt with CP nail re access to sewage lagoon, Fairvilie
( 5.00 P.Dl.
( 15. Hearing re proposed closure of Winston Court for Centennial Properti~ls Ltd.
16. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 24 acres of land, more or less, off Old
'a;e tmor land Road for proposed housing develoJDent by Gerald J. Ryan Co. Ltd.
17. posed Zoning By-~w amendraent to re-zone 131 Bellevue Ave. and 136 Virginia Ave. for
Fe th Landor!! (Cazwcia.) Limited to provide additional parking for wch Lomond Shopping
16. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment re prop<i)seu ru-zoning of tract of land south of
Old Black River nOd.d to heavy indust:dal park clasBification, for McAllister Industrial
Park, Pnc..se I.
19. Payment to Stanley Dixon for easement re Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme.
20. Sale of property to }.ir. Moshe Granik ~"w..wt, Sanctr Point Rd..
21. Sale of freehold of 120 Elliott Row to Mrs. Marie (Callaghan) Foote.
22. Payment to Gerhard Schulze for easement re Marsh Creek ~)ewerage Scheme.
23. Pa~nt to George Watson for two easements re Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme.
24. Payment to Estate of Harold Somers for easement re Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme.
25. Rockwood Park Advisory Board protesting decision of Council to use Rockwood Pa~k golf
course as building site for a proposed publio hospital.
26. Civic Improvement and Beautifioation CoJanittae - SUJIIIIa.ry of projects undertaken by the
Committeft during 1972.
27. Report for 1972 of th~ Water Appeals Committee & recommendation to continue this Committee.
28. River Road. Ratepayers Assoc. re condition of t.he marina sit~ated at Ketepec.