* 5.
COlll''iON CD UNCIL - as at 29th January, 1973.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. January 31 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of min.tes (Jan. 22).
3. Mayor's remarks.
NOTE: Items remaining from agenda of Jante ry 22 Council meeting are marked thusly. * .
Departmental reports for December: Police Dapt.; Building & Plumbing Divisions; Water &
Sewerage Dept.
Re Local Initiative Programme grants.
Amendments to Provincia1-CitJ' Agreement, dated Aug. 30, 1971 (D.R.E.E. Agreement).
Re proposed Winter Works.
He Police training progrWllJDfl.
Report on status of projects under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme.
10. 5.00 P.m.. - Georgett.a Boudreau to appear to show cause why 126 St. James St. should not be
romoved or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- John L. Boudreau to appear to show cause why 126 St. James St. should not be
reLioved or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- Trans Canada Credit Corp.Ltd. to show cause why 126 St. James St. should not be
removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- Central Trust Co. of Canada to Sho,l cause why 126 St. James St. should not be
removud or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
li. 5.00 p.m. - Katherine Fox Monteith to appear to show cause why 7 Main St. West should not
be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- Est.of Guy Frederick Fox to appear to show cause why 7 Main St. West should
not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- Jas. Alexander Fox to appear to sho~, cause why 7 Main St. should not be
removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
* 12. Proposed Municipal Plan (legal effect).
* 13.
* 14.
* 15.
* 16.
* 17.
* 18.
* 19.
* 20.
Payment of damage claim to Erwin J. Morneau - laid on table Oct. 23, 1972.
Purchase of land at Lower Loch Lomond from Halter Peppel'.
Sale of lam at rear of Lot 1, Daniel Ave., to Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cullinan.
Sale of lani at rear of lot 1, Barbour Place, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baird.
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Committee of \fuole report (01' Jan. l5,191s) - laid on table
January 22, 1973..
Planning Commission re Mrs. Isabel Gibson request for permit extension re mobile home.
Planning Commission re Roy Hughes request for temporary location of mobile home.
Planning Commisaion re proposed re-zoning, Somerset St. land, for Dunhill Investment Ltd.
Report of Cit~r Hall Bldlding ColllIlittee re ~:e competition of art works for City
Hall building. .
Planning Commission re report on written sublliasions re Comprehensive Community Plan,
and re printing am distribution 01' the Plan for public information, and re extension
of date for receiving comments on the Plan.
23. Report re property at 15 Drury Lkne.
* 24. Mr. L. W. Travis, Safety Chairman, United Transport Union, Local 560, re traffic delays
at railway crossings.
~5. Petition from residents of Miapec area re garbage removal (Councillor Merrithew).
* 26. Saint John Council of Women re City Market building.
* 27. Messl's. Palmer, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull & Turnbull, Barristers, re Acadia Pipelines Ltd
* 28. Saint John Boys' and. Girls I Club re proposed crime prevention progrWllIlles group.
* 29. New Brunswick Rifle Assoc. requesting grant towards cost of rifles for Canada Games Team.
30. Application of Maritime Auto" Trailer Sales Limited for approval. of proposed mobile
hOJDEl park on eite between Loch Lemond Rd.. am Hillcrest ReI..
31. Application of MaIlford H. Thom.pson Construction Co.Ltd.. for closure 01' portion of
lfargaret St., Saint John East.
32. Saint John '\t.~ Labour Council re City Market building.
33. Appl1cat1on of Mrs. Kathlyn M. Johnston to place mobile home on lot, compassionate .grounis