1973-01-08_Agenda r- AGENDA. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 5th January, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, i..OO p.m.. January 8 - pra~rer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (Jan. 2). 3. Mayor'6 remarks. 4. 8.00 p.m. - Proposed amendoent to Zoning By-Law, to re-~one land between Go1.o.en Grove Rd. and rear of lots on Pa.rk Hill Drive, Hillside ~Ub-d.i vision Phase III, for " Blair Construction Ltd. _ Proposed amendment to Zoning ~-Law, to re-zone land on Ashburn Road for A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. _ Approval of a mobile home park of Maritime Auto & Trailer Sales Limited in southwesterly cornf!r of Loch Lomond Rd.. and Eldersley Ave. _ Proposed by-lcw to establish a Plamling Advisory Comoittee. - Proposed by-law to adopt The Comprehensive COmLluni.ty Plan (see item 12). - Planning Commission letter. - Letter from Dr. am Mrs. Fred Cheesman. - Letter fron Mr. William J. Seely. - :Letter fron Helen and R. G. Thompson. -- Lettpr from Mrs. Glenna M. Carr. - Letter from Mr. :Edward G. Donova.n. - Letter from Messrs. McKelvey, Macaulay, Machum 6( Fairweather on behalf' of client, Mr. David Isaacs and family. - Letter from }1,r. Thomas F. Crowley. - Brief from Saint John Naturalists Club. - Drief from Saint John Heritage Trust. - Letter from ~aint John Board of Trade. - Letter frQ1l Rod Head Property Protective Association. - Letter from Hr. g. M. Yorke (to be available at Council meeting as submission not comnleted as of Jan. 5). - Letter frOLl Community Planning Jissoc.. of Canada, N.B.Division. - John Boudreau and Gcorgetta BoudreHu to appear to 8!.0\1 cause, if any, why building at 1::>.6 St. James St.reet should not be J'tihlOVed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. - Report from Building InfJpoctor re building at 126 St. James Street. 5. 8.00 p.m. ..' '" '\,. "\ u. 8.00 p.m. 7. 8.00 p.m. 8. 8.00 p.m. Related oorres- pondence 9. 8.30 p.o. COUMON CU1tK 10. Re resolutions re 1973 Warrant, and re Provincial Flat H.attt Grant and Equalization Grant to be incorporated in 1973 blKiget, am re setting 1973 Tax Rates. 11. Third reading of amendment to Parking Meter By-Law (re $2.00 voluntary fine). CITY SOLICITOR 12. Municipal Plan By-Law, proposed (see item 8). 13. Proposed amendment to Parking Meter By-Law (re Main Stroet, Saint John \;E:lst parking meters 14. Re traf.'fic delay at train crossings. LAND COMMI'l'TJ~ 15. Payment to Mrs. FAith McQuay re easement ani relocation of sower line, M.a.rsh Creek Sewerag Scheme. 16. Payment to Mr. Gerald Clarke for ea.sement. aoross his property off Golden Grove Road. 17. Payment to }Olr. lfurray Linton re &ddi tional eaeement for Spruce Lake Water IJ.ne (laid on table C.C.O. Nov. 6, 1972). 18. Payment to }{acKnight lbtors for land purchase for pump house, Simpson Drive. 19. Payment to Mr. William Harrity re damages to property, Harsh Creek Sewerage 3cheme. 20. Sale of la.nd to Dept. of Transport at Saint John Airport. COMMI'r'r't:ES t COMMISS IONS Market Committee reoommendation re lease to Diana Restaurant, Charlotte St. Market buildill Planning ColIlTiliesion re Gerald J. Ryan Co. Ltd. application for re-zoning of land off the Old viestmorland Road. # 21. 22. """"'" 23. GENl!llAL Re banquet for No. 1 and No. 2 Salvage Corps and Fire Polioe in observance of anniversaries of said Corpe (Counoillor Murphy). R. policy re taxation ot real property of induatriesCCouncillor Davis). Hr. Eric L. TOed, Q. C. ,:M,'<:onveyanoe to City of property at 263 Main St. as a gift. Petition for enowploughing and City ownership of Morna Drive. Petition for snowploughing of Shaw's Lake Rd. and City taktJover ot said road. Offer ot Mr. Granville W1llis to convey title to City of Shaw's L&.ke Rd. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. CITY MANAGER Acoeptanoe of bids for fumace for cold mix plant. Aoceptanoe of bid for oil clraul1c power coupling expamer, drawbars and segmente. PAYJMtnt of invoioe for equipaent rental (Chi tt1ck) . Payment of invoioe to Power Commission re replacement of pole transformer and luminaire. Progress payments re projects \UJdertaken under Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion programme. Direotor of Proaotion re paYJM'nt ot invoice to McH:1.llan Press Ltd. re printing ot submission for the Canada Summer Games. "'---