as at 29th December" 1972.
L Meeting ca.lled to order, J anuary ~, 1973. 4.00 P.Pl.... - pra;ver.
2. Confirmation of minutes (nec. 18).
3 . Hayor' s remarks.
4. Acting Cit;,r Hanager 1'0 park Ml.rdens, Rockwood Park.
5. Aoting Cit~T hanager 1'e asphalt testinr, procedures.
6. PC:i.;y"ment of' invoice, Harnock Hersey International Ltd. re asphalt qualit.y control, etc.
7. November reports: Fire Dept.; Building and Plumbing Division 01' Building Inspection
Dept.; Police Dept.;
8. Payment of invoices, Burroughs Billliness Machines Ltd. re r,Jaintenance a.r,reement on data
processing equipment.
9. He fire insurance for calendar JTear 1973.
10. Re Cities of New 13runsHick meeting, JanUCiI'J' 26 and 27, 1973.
li. Proposed amendment to Parking M'3ter By-Ln"'l (to establish a $2.00 voluntary fine).
12. Nominating Committee report.
13. Planning Commission requesting deferment re action on Petrofina Canada Ltn. re-zoning.
14. Planning Commission submitting map of area. location re proposed l'e-zoning for McAllister
Industrial Park Phuse I.
::i5~ Planning COm::Ussion re ;,1obile Homes (re Mr. Hazen lti.ddleton letter). <
16. Planning Commission re preservation of Hazen Creek Marsh for v,iId life.
17. ?larming (;OI;1!!lission re Hr. hrnest Prosser application to locate D. mobile home on north
side of Golc.en Grove Rd.
18. Planning Corrnnission re request from Hr. Elmer i'!ctrivncJr thht priva.te rOnd at l-1artinon Rd.
be officially nam~d IlHcGivne;r Road II .
19. Resolution required re attendanoe of two uemers of 0Aint John Fire Dept. at City of
Hamilton Fire Dept. as obset-vens of Training Division and Fire PreveJlti.on Bureau.
20. Requtlst from Saint John Pee ~iee Hoya1s for financihl Ct.ssistance in sending hockey team
to Sweden in February 1973.
21. Request from Mrs. IflCibel Gibson for extension of mobile home permit.
22. Saint Jocm District Labour Council requesting that King Street, Saint John West, be
maintained during winter month 9.
23. Request of Centemdal Properties Ltd. that Cit~r deed vJinston Court, Churchill Heights
SuL-a.ivision to said compa~r.
24. Request of Dept. of Public \iorks 01' Chnada thCt.t ':.'hird SL:..eet be closed, in connection
with Saint John postal terrlinal.