AGE N D A C~I.fMON COUNCIL - ~ a:. 4th Augu8t,
1. Meeting called to ord~r, 7.00 p.m., Aug~t~; 1972 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (July 24, 1972).
3. Mayor's remarks.
8.15 p.m.
- Brief from Saint John Legcllt Aid requE:sting financial assistance (presented
by !1r. BarIJr Morrison).
- Presente.tion of }'leti tion fltOr.1 resiaents of nCVi section of Kierstead Develop-
ments 140bile Home Park for iapproval of said section - per Messrs. Robert
Hatfield and Harold Porter,1 spokesmen. (see item 270
8.JO P.lil.
6. Progress payments 1'e projects under Dept..Regional Economic Expansion programme.
7. Pzvment of invoices:- 2 for Hatfield; ~ for Chit ticks (19$2) Ltd.; 1 for Grove; 1 for Franci
(equipment rental); Chitticks (gravclh Dexter (crushing gravel); Stephen (asphalt).
8~ Financial Statements - June~ .
9. Response of City ~1anager re mobile hom~ parks correspondence.
10. Recommendation re demolition of City-o~ed dilapidated properties.
ll. ReIsland View School access - and let~er from School Board.
12. Endorsation of I.astern Provincial Airw~Y8 application re servicing of City of Saint John.
13. Re Angus Uelanson Bub~iviaion agreemeI1t.
1.4. Recommendation re Local Improvement BsqeSsment, Lot 13, Block K, Hill Heights Ra.
15. Re commendation to Kevin Matthewtl and I~alph v~bittaker for saving of life.
16. Recommendation re grants. I
16A.Re amendment to by-law (re parking, Un~on St., Chipnan Hill).
17. Third reading of amendment to Traffic By-Law (making Union St. a "through" street from
; Dock St. to Charlotte St.).
18. Re 22 proposed re-zonings recoL.lIl1ended * Plamir~ Commission (see section 1 of
Committee of v.hole report of August 1, P-972).
18(a) Letter from Allied Building Construct~on Limited re item 18 (see section 1 of said report)
18(b) Planning Gornnission re item 18(a) andl re Irving Oil Ltd. objection to re-zoning 830
Loch Lemond Rd. (see section 1 of CoLl/uittee of Whole report of August 1, 1972).
19. Third. reading of proposed Mobile Home rks BJr-Law.
20. Submission from Mobile Home o...YlerS ASBO . (N.B.) re proposed Mobile Home Parks By-Law
(I-1r. Graham Sleeth, Barrister, to be pI' sent, to Bpeak briefly re this item).
21.. Mr. Hazen Middleton submitting objectio 8 to various points in the proposed Mobile Home
Parks By-Law. I '
22. Mrs. MYrna Hright and Mrs. Linia Gordonl submitting criticisms am sUf',gestions re proposed
Mobile Home Parks By-Law. !
"' CbMMIT'rliliS, BOARDS
23. Committee of \%ole report (July 31). -I
24. Committee of Whole report (Aug. 1). I
25. Report f~m Recreation am Parks AdvisofY Board re King Square West ~ogical park.
(~: * den~te. items of unfinished busin 88 from agenda 01' July 2.4, 1972 Council meeting).
20. Mrs. Hmmrd Carr, Acamac Beach Rd., re pposition to proposed 140bile Home Parks By-Law, ani
to establishment of a mobile home park n Jtcamac community.
27. Request of Kierstead Developments Ltd. or approval of sewerage bystem in Section 6 of
Kierstead Mobile Home Sub-di vision. (see item 5).
28. Re minutes of Urban RedcveloJXl1ent Co-or inating Committee (Councillor Vincent).
29. Lord Beaverbrook Rink, Committee of C1t zens Inc. re operating grant balance.
30. Mrs. Warren Cumming, 936 Hollins Drive, Saint John \veat, re Rothesl\V Avenue traffic control.
31. Mrs. Paul Forestell, 1018 Devor Rd.,' nt John rlest, re restoration of property re easement
water pipeline, Spruce Lake to Church A e.
.3~. Annual report of the first Saint John J 'or Civic Council.
3~'. Petition re condition of Greenwood Lane (across from Saint John airport).
34. Request from J..uxor Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. for permission to hold circus.
35. A~ J. Callaghan & Associates for Glen P. rk Limited, requesting approval of proposed
mobile home park on Glen Rd.
'3&. Mr. ani Mrs. D. Black expressing opposi ion to proposed mobile park in area of Latimore
Lake Rd.