1972-08-21_Agenda "===--. ~GENDA COHMON COUNCIL - as at 18th August, 1972. 1. Meeting called to order, 1.00 p.m.. A~t 21 _ prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (August 7). 3 . Mayor I s remarks. 4. 7.00 5. 8.00 p.m. - Presentation of Certificate pf COl!lI!lendation to Hr. Ralph Whittaker and to HI'. Kevin Mat thews. p.m. - Proposed closing of ReservediRd.. between lots 3 and 4 in Eric Josselyn Sub-diviaion between Loch Land and JosselYn Rds. - Proposed amendment to Zoning I &v-Law text; ~ letter from City Solicitor re same. - Third reading of amendment tQ Zoning BJr-Law (to re-Zone 20 areas from present "B-2" General Business distr~ct claS6ification). - Second and third readings of lamendment to Zoning B.r-Law to re-zone land for R.E. & J.E. l"riars Ltd., corn~r Foster Thurston Dr. and Ash burn Lake Rei.; letter from said company; let~er from Planning Commission. - PrOposed land re-zoning - are~ from South Bay to Martinon. - Proposed land Nt-Zoning on Co~ta.ge' Rd.. (for Hr. Bryoe BHyea). y - 'l'hird reading of amendment tOI Zoning By-Law to re-zone approx. 10 acres on southeasterly side of inter8e~tion of Hickey Rd. and new north-south road (for Omega Investments Ltd.). . - Proposed land re-zoning on l..otneville Rd.. opposite Point Rd. (for Mrs. Almeda Rogers). . P.Q. - Mr. I. E. Laws, presenting 1911 Financial Statement of City and ajditora' annual report 1971. (Statemen~8 distributed previously) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 9.15 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. CrT;} ~GER Progress payments re projects undertaken . der Dept. Regional Economic Expsnsi~n progr......s. Payment of invoicf2s: equi}:1llent rental (Fr~Ilcis, Chittick, Hatfield); asphalt {~tephen). Pitrment of loss for fiscal year ending Sep~ember 30, 1972 of Lord Beaverbrook Rink operation. Payment of Progress Estimate NO.1, Purdy ft Simson re Shamrock Park clubhouse. Payment of invoices for carpentry l-/ork, Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau building. Payment of athletic grant.. i Clarification of responsibility of City ~mtket Committee. Report re :East End traffic rotary. I CITY SOL CrrOR 22. Amendment to Traffic ~-Law (re restrictio of parking on east side of Prince William Street - King to Union). I 23. Report re vagrancy question. I 24. Report re MacKnight Motors Limited premisesl. LAND CO 25. Payment to Hr. t10seph viall for easement re 26. Re Omega Investments Ltd. lands. EE ttle River Sewer project. COMMIT I BOARDS COMHISSIONS 27. Committee of Whole report (August 7 . 28. COmmittee of Whole report (August 14). 29. Report of render Colmlittoe .... tenders to d olish property located at the left branch of Drur,y Cove Rd. (north side). I 30. Minutes of Market Committee meeting (August 3). 31. Recreation and Parks AdvisOl'j' Board .... aren rental rates, Lancaster alld SiJllonds Centennial Aren~B . 32. Report of Planning Comndssion re 1Ir. Willi... Bustin's proposed mobUe home park on the La. t~r Lake Road. 33. Report of Plalming Comndsllion re applioatio of Glen Park Estates Ltd. to establish 0 IllObile home park on the Glen Rd.; letter fro Manager of The Toronto-Dominion Bani to Planning Commission re financial position of Glen Park Estates Ltd. 34. P.l.snning Conm1ssion re vacancy on the Commis ion through death of 1Ir. C. A. IJcllvesn. -" GNlERAL - '.. Re hOUsing for senior citizena (Deputy Mayor Gould). ',J. Minister of Justice of New llrwu..d.ck re reco endstions of recoot Enquiry Colmlittee establish_ ed under Provisions of Acto or ASAembly 58 V ctoria 1895 Chapter 48. 37. Clerk of Legislativ. AsstlDbly ot New Ilrunswi sul:1nitting copy 01' Act providing for four City apPointees to Fort La Tour Authority. 38. Deputy Hin1ster of Municipal At'fairs re Winte Elnployment Progr8lll.l1e. 39. Atlonuc IIstional Exhibition re moratoriwn on permits to travelling shows during August, preceding the Atlantic National Exhibition. 40. Petition ....qu.sting that the AC8I!Iac Beach !loa be restored to its original !lard asphalt surraoe. 41. Letter 1'l'Oln Hr. ond Mrs. Stanley Arthur. ot A ....... opPising the proPOsal to establish a DlObU. hODae park on the Acamac Beach Road, an Arthurs Road. 42. ~eqUttBt of New Brunswick Opera Company, Inc. or a grant for 1972. 43. I> tlsntIc Signs Co. Ltd. subsitting _to r City by-laws regulating tho erectiGII ot ste' 44. lltition fl"COl h-.... en the -ion ot on Stre.t, Lskowoocl, requesting inIJ>row- _ts ... otroot., ~ll8te str..t lighting, JlOr1ng or land deoigna tod as future recreational area. 45. Lotter 1'l'Oln 1Ir. and IIrs. "o"ph H. Carpenter, 507 Ploaesnt St., Sa1nt "Ohn West, re ~ /6, 1 - 2 - operations of a business in R bRrn at rear of their property, in a rtlsidential area. Application of Douglas McManus far re-zoning of Lot 8, Blook D in Hillside SUb-division, Phase 2. "