N COUNCn.. - as at 1st September, 1972.
1. ~et1ng called to order, 7.00
2. Confi.I'mation of minutes (August 21 .
3. Mayor's remarks.
ternber 5th - prayer.
8.30 p.m. - Mr. G. M. Keith [ow on be If of property owners, McLaren's Beach area
of Sand Cove Road re requ st for lower local services tax rate.
- Letter from Lancaster Imp ovement Association re above matter.
5. Amendment to Traffic By-Law re restri tion of parking on east side of Prince William
Street - King to Union (laid on table August 21, 1972).
6. Minister of Justice of New Brunswick recolTllrendations of recent Enquiry Corrmittee
(laid on table August 21, 1972).
7. He East En:i traffic rotary; petition rotesting traffic rotary; Drury's Transfer Ltd.
obj ecting to traffic rotary; letters an Mrs. Eileen Travis, Mr. Otty S. Sherwood,
Mr'. H. J. Steeves and Mr. W. Gordon lls in support of traffic rotary.
8. Departmental reports - July.
9. Invoice for crushing gravel - Dexter onstruction Ltd.
10. Invoices for equipment rental: (Steph n Construction; Chitticks; D. Hatfield & C.L. Franc:
11. Financial Statements.
12. Payments re projects under Dept. of R gional Economic Expansion programme.
13. Re tenders, Courtenay Eay Causeway tern Approach.
14. Re canteen concessions.
15. Invoices for equipment rental (D. Hat ield Ltd. & Gill & Co. Ltd.)
16. Re conrnendation to Mr. Donald Eabinea ; Mr. Earry Flerrming; and Mrs. Bertha Lewis.
l6A. Re repairs to North En::! incinerator.
16B.Re purchase of ploughs.
16C.Re in lieu parking costs.
16D.Re Island View School.
17. Second ani third readings of amendme to Zoning By-Law to re-zone lan:i from South
Bay to Martinon (First reading given ugust 21, 1972).
18. Secorrl and third readings of amendme t to Zoning By-Law to re-zone land on Lormrille
Road opposite Point Road for Mrs. A eda Rogers (First reading given August 21, 1972).
Letter from City Solicitor re above e-zoning.; Mr. Graham J. Sleeth re rezoning.
19. Secorrl and third readings to by-law e proposed closing of Reserved Rd. between lots
3 and 4 in Eric Josselyn Sub-divisio between Loch Lamond and Josselyn Rds. (First
reading given August 21, 1972).
20. Third reading of amen:jrnent to Zoning -law text (First and second readings given
August 21, 1972).
21. Second and third readings of amendme to Zoning By-Law to re-zone land on Cottage
Road for Mr. Bryce Beyea (First read' given August 21, 1972).
22. Authority required for Mayor and C on Clerk to sign Siding Agreement, Canadian
National Railways.
23. Authority required for Mayor and Co on Clerk to sign Quit Claim Deed re property,
197 Watson Street, West.
24. Director, Real Estate and Water Rate Dept. re easement, Relco Limited, Marsh Creek
sewerage scheme.
25. land Canmittee re purchase of easerre t from E. [Onald Cairns Estate, Spruce Lake water Ii
26. Land Corrmittee re purchase of easeme from Inminion Stores Ltd., Marsh Creek sewer-
age scheme.
27. Land Committee re sale of property G rrna.in St. West to Mr. Herbert S. Bunn.
28. Planning Corrmission re payment of in oices, Proctor, Redfern, Bousfield & Eacon
re Corrprehensive Camnunity Plan.
29. Planning Cormnission re request of Mr. Arthur J. Burns, 1343 Manawagonish Rd., for
approval of gasollne purrps at prop y, Lakewood.
Letter fran Mr. Arthur J. Burns re a ove natter.
30. Camnittee of Whole report (August 28 .
31. Re parking facilities, Garden and St tion Streets (Councillor Vincent).
32. Re repOrt. on artificial indoor are (Councillor Kipping).
33. Re Po~ce enforcement of certain sec ions of Criminal Co::ie (Councillor Kipping).
34. Re Public Notice re building permit equirerrents (Councillor Kipping).
35. Re emergency telephone number system (Councillor MacGowan).
36. Park Enterprises Ltd. request for re-zoning of property, Gran:iview Avenue.
37. Minister of Municipal Affairs re senior citizens housing.
38. Cities of New Brunswick re municipal structure and financing, Task Force.
39. Mr. B. CeITY re parking of busses, King Street.
40. Petition fran residents of Sandy Point Road re speeding.