1972-10-02_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 29 J 1972 10 Meeting called to order 2. Confirmation 01' minutes 3 . Mayor I s remarks. 4. 8.00 p.m. - Proposed re-zoning of land. (see Itttm 16) opposite Tttchnical School, 6. 7. CITY Progress payments re projecta under Dept Payment of equipment rental invoices: (a (b Monthly reports for August: Plumbing Ins Fire Dept.; Police Dept. Report re cost sharing with utilities. Re Irving Oil Company application to ins fuel) for Dobson I s Trucking Company, on 2 - prayer. ot 6), north side of Graooviow Ave. and permit construction of a students residence. 5. Re Mortgage Services Limited propert:r a 263-265 Main St. 8. AGER Regional Economic Expansion programme. Hatt'ield, Francis, Hatfield Stephen, Hatfield, Gill. otion Div. of Building Inspection Dept.; "lding Di v. 01' Building Inspection Dept.; 9. 10. all underground tanks and pumps (gasoline and outhwest side of McAllister Drive. LAND C MMITTEE ll. Sale of freehold of 94-96 Rodney St. to . W. E. Campbell. 12. Payment to Cedar Hill-Greonwood Cemetery Co. re easement for Spruce Lake water project. 13. Purchase of property on BOuthwest corner of Princess and. Canterbury Sts. from Ritchie Building & Investment Co. Ltd.. 14. Sale of portion of Lancaster St. (now cl ed) to Mra. Carl Humphrey. COMMIS'IONS 15. Aba~toir Commission re upgrading abattoi faoilities. 16. Planning Commission re proposed student Bid.nce, Gramview Ave. (oee item 4). 17. Planning Commission re proposed ro-zo" of property on !Dch Lomond Rd. to permit the construction of an ll-unit apartment bui ing, for Simonds Medical Limited. GENERA 18. Canadian Radio-Television Commission Cha man re television programme USesame Streetlt. 19. Univeraitq of New Brunswick, Dept. of Go logy, re co-operation of City of Saint John re geological work. 20. Petition from residents ot' the Brookvill and Torryburn area in protest of the dust nuisance caused by thEl Brookville Manufa turing Co., Ltd. (Mr. William A. Reynolds to be present at Council meeting, represant these petitioners). ./!"" "l. i ... --.. ~- ~~