~ G END A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 6th October, 1972.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 ).m.
2. Confirmation of minut.es (Oct. 2 .
,. Mayor's remarks.
8.00 p.m. - MacKnight Motors Ltd., per
served upon Mr. MacKnight r
Ashburn Lake Road.
. Alden W. MacKnight, President, re notice
Company property lands in the area of the
5. Financial Statements - AUb"Ust.
'. Water & Sewerage Dept. monthly report - Augus t.
'7. Invoices for equipment rental.
8. Emergency repairs to Saint John Region Library.
9. Payment of applications for athletic gr nts.
10. Recommendation re Thorne Avenue-Russell Street-Rothesay Avenue traffic rotary.
11. Re utilities cost-sharing policy.
12. Resolution re grant structure.
13. Resolution re transitional grant.
14. Re: billing for preliminary architect proposed parking garage.
15. Summary of tenders re gasoline, oils, e
15A. He Gregg house.
16. Third reading of amendment to re-zone t 6 on north side of Grandview Ave.,
opposite Technical School, for propose students' residence.
f U b R al CITY S LlbmiCITOR 1m A'e 11 18 T b 11 & I.,:
l? Re: payment 0 r an anew: accounts su tted by Pa er,u onne , ger, urn u
Turnbull and by Ryan, Drummie & Compa for professional services.
18. Payment of account, R\yan, Drummie & Co pany for professional serviceJ.
19. Payment of accounts from Tri-Town Real ' and Roy de Stecher & Associates Ltd. for
professional services.
20. Settlement of compensation to Gandy" l1son Ltd. re 5-6 MarketllAarf.
21. Settlement of compensation to W. R. Gi hert r8 41-49 Dook St.
22. Plann,ing Commission report from hean of petitioners and objectors who are against
Mr. Dougla8 McManus' proposal to erect a three-family dwelling at 25 vlildwood St.
23. Planning Commission re proposed re-zo for Haley Lumber Co. of property on McAllister
Drive to permit the construction of a otail building supplies store and :warehouBe~
24. Re: traffic flow (Councillor Kipping .
25. Veterans' Remembranoe Day Committee re emembranoe Day parade expenses.
26. Saint, John Construction Association In . 1"8 building permit regulations of the
Saint John Zoning By-La.w, and re buildi permit scale of fees.
2? East End Betterment Committee ru Thorn Avenue-Russell Street-Rothesay Avenue
traffic rotary.
28. New Brunswick Opera Company, Inc. re re uest for a grant.
29. Application by Gilbert, McGloan, Gillis, Jones &. Church, Barristers, on behalf of
Blair Construction Ltd. for re-zoning lots in Block "G" and Lot 21, Phase .3 of
Hillside Sub-division.