- as at 20th October, 1972.
1. Meeting called to order, October 2
2. Confirmation or minutes (October 10 .
3. Mayor's remarks.
.m. - prayer.
4. 8.00 p.m. - Proposed re-zoning for Hal Lumber Co. Ltd.. (lam on McAllister Drive) te
"I_lit light industrial cls. sificHtion.
- Letter from Planning Commi sion re above propoDed re-zoning.
5., 8.00 p.m.
- Proposed re-zoning for Mr. Douglas McManulS (Lot 8,Block D, Hillside
Sub-div.Phase II, Wildwood ~)t.) to "R-4" 1,2,3 and 4-tamily,twr-storey residen-
tial classification, to pu mit construction of 3-family dwelling (2-8torey
building) .
- Letter from Planning Gommi sion re abuve proposed re-zoning.
- Letter from Malcolm & Judi h Burgess against pl~posed re-zoning.
- Letter from Robert & Caro ~ McLean against proposed re-zoning.
6. Payment of equipment rental invoices:- a) Hatrield & ~ephen
(b) Hatfield (2).
7. ~ment of asphalt invoice - Stephen C nstruction.
8. Departmental reports.
9. Progres8 payments re projects under De . ot Regional Economic Expansion programme.
10. Payment of invoice, Power COcmis8ion,r shifting circuito in Cedar pt. Trailer Park.
11. Payment of Progre8s Claim No.3, John ood & Son, re Reversing Falls Touri8t Bureau.
12. Report re activities of Pollution Cont 1 Committee.
13. Report of Ad Hoc ColDittee re acceptan e ot private roada in outlying areas.
14. ~enders re: (a) highway salt; (b) chain nk tencing.
15. L.I.P. progr...., 1972-1973 season.
16. Re Federal Govt. policy, railway reloc ion.
l~ PGliCJr re sewer 1& terus.
i.Westem collector Bower system - servic ng of Dom.Pk.
.Re d1l~pidated buildinlt. south side Lat r, Rd.
.Extenlll.bn of 8erVices,H1ckey Rd. contrac \<higa Investment).
18. Resolution re debenture issue re North nd Urban R9Mwal Project.
19. Resolution re debenture iBsue re two p pink stations am 1.0 KID sowage treatment
19A.Reply to Council enquirioD - oral prcae tatlon.
19B.Recommendation re Traffic By-Law. .LAND COMMITTEE
20. Payment to Hr. Percy Car180n for easem t re Marsh Creek Sewerage Syetem.
21. Payment or grourxi rent to Reyal Trust -C . re lease ot 28 City Rd.
22. Pa~nt to Scott alKi Ledbettar Enterpri ea for easement re Marsh Creek Sewerage System.
23. Payment to .Hr.. Jt~ J. Morneau re dams. e claim re Marsh Creek Sewerage System.
24. Sale of freehold ot u>>t 3, at 208 Queen St. West to Mrs. Queenie Nice.
25. Purchase ot C. R. Nelson property off n St. ro major collector sewer project.
26. Purchase et Lot 8, corner Prince and L low St_., from Mr. David M. McBay et ux.
2:1. Purchase of 408 Union St. from Mr. and II. Murray, Titus.
plant. ,\
28. Urban Renewal Commission and
Area zoning -change.
29. Committee of Whole repGrt.
30. Beard of Trustees, Civic lfmployees' Pen ion Plan re retirement of Edmund J. Reid.
31. City Hall Building Committee ro budget or piece. of art, City Hall.
32.' Market Committee recommendations.
33. Report ot Junier Council Advisory Board. re certain recoDml6ndation. contained in annual
report ot the first. Saint John Junier C vie Council.
34. Pollution Control Committee re dust con rel, BrookT-lle Manufacturing Co. operations.
35. Civic Improvement & Beautification Co ttee re underground wiring pt'ograJlme.
36. Planning Commission re name for street resently known .s Old Number 2, Martinon.
38. Re c~ification or City by-law..
lKi isaue reaolutiena.
-- 37. Date of special meeting of Council re
.39. Lotter trom Hrs., L. G. Wittr1en, 929 Ro ky Blurt Terrace, re C.P.R. blocking railway
oreaa1ng and. wme.ces8ary blowing er "hi tles (Counciller Murph.v). .
40. Re resolutien8 of January 3, 1972 N a etic grants and tinancal aas1stanc. t. civic ~
receptions and conventions (Councillor rphy). ~
41. Mr. Eric L. Teed, Q. C., M.L.A. re oont ued construction ani early eompletien of the:
throughway (in reply to copy of letter a nt him by Councll trom Lancaster Improvement .Aaoc.)
42. MiIli( ateI' ot Labour ef N.B. re continued onstruction and. early' o.pletion of the throughway;
in reply to copy ef letter .ent him by uncil frem Lancaster Improvement Assoc.). '
43. Mi.( n18ter ot Eduoatien re cont1Jaued censt ct10n and early completion of the thJ'llughway
in reply to copy ot letter 8ent him by uncll from Lancaster Improvement A8aoc.).
44. I..orneville Ratepayers ABsoc.re dilap1c1.a eel conditien ot vacated hOMs, LomevUle.
'. .,)
.c' /
- 2 -
45. Saint John Construction Assoc. Inc. supporting Council in seeking a building permit
issuance to N.B.IUectric Power Commission on Coleson Cove power building project.
46. MrB. Doreen M. Arho, 300 Sandy Pt. Rei., re blind and dangerous corner in front of 300
Sandy pt. Rd. and acroB 8 from Sandy Point Grocery.
47. Atlantic Auto Parts Ltd. re hours for Thorne Avenue-Russell Street-Rothe say Ave. rotary.
48. Mr. Fred M. Bl:l.zzard requesting a street light on Lakesj.de Drive, off Loch Lomond Rd.
49. Application of Alpha Investments & lLgency Ltd. for re-zoning property next to 42 Broad St.
50. Request of Mrs. Joan Godfrey for extension of permit for trailer.
. ..