1972-12-05_Agenda AGENDA at 1st December, 1972. 1. Meeting called to order, tf.OO .m. 2. Confirmstion of minut~s (Wov. 27). 3. Mayor's remarks. December - prayer. !JMMi. N CLERK 4. IToposed re-zoning for Blair Construct on Ltd. in Hillside Sub-division, Phase III: (a) Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5, Block G; (b) t 21. . - Letter from Planning Commission re su' proposed re-zoning and develoJDent plans for these lots. - Letter 1"rom Donald and Va16rie HcNeil, opposing said proposed re-zoning. - Letter from Grace M. vliggins, opposing said. proposed re-zoning. 50 6. 7. a. 9. Sale of land off Meadowbank Ave. to ~IO Sale of land at rear of let 49, Fegan Sale of land. off Meadowbank Ave. to C Payment to Medjuck and Budovitch Lta. Re purcha se of 11-12 oouth Market ~lhar of said building. n T. Logan et 'ux. ourt, to Donald .E. and Grace vialdron. il Eo Pringle. re easement for Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme. from Ocean Finance Property, am re demolition UR RENEWAL 10. Payment of appraisal fees to Roy de 5t char & Associates Ltd. and to Appraisals Ltd.. li. Payment of acoounts, prott/ssiona.! servo ces, to Palmer, 0' Connell, Leger, Turnbull & Turnbull, and to Clark, Ilrummie & Com l\Y. 12. Payment ot account to Canadian Corps 0 ColilLlissionaires 1'e \iatchman IS scrvices. 13. Payment of acoount to consultant conso tium re Market Square civic ard commercial .complex evaluation. 14. Nominating Committee report. 15. Board of Trustees, i)ension Plan, 1'8 :re irement of James McPhee. 16. Planning Commission 1'8 Planning Adviso ..' ColJI!littee. 17. Planning Commission re application of . C. Fairrleather & Sons Ltd. for re-zoning, Ashburn Lake Road land. 18. Planning CWmnission re appliC!J.tion of 'itime Auk' & TrC1.11~'r SalflB Lt.do to establish 8. mobile home park, corner Loch Lornond . and E1del'sley Ave. - Two petitions against said pr'CIposed mo ile 11or.oo pr..rk at said locf:tion. 19. Planning Cammisc:'on re alJplication of }. '. Alll.rd T. D1lt.;as to erect a 2-storey building on St. Jamos Street. 20. Planning Conmission re appeal of outlet. from his building, corner variety. 21. Planning Commission re 22. Planning Commission re DOMms COMlUSSIONS DeSI10nd for pt:l"IlLission to operate a food. and Lanadovi~w Ave., of drive-in, take-out 22A.Market Committee miIJ.utes. Simonds Co-Oper tive Ltd. gas bar at supermarket, Old Hestmorland Ri. (a) Clear View orne Furnishings Ltd.. request to construf!c one row of lots in proposed extension of mobile home park'C~J:,gSn's) (b) Clear VierJ 1 orne Furnishings Ltd. roqUtst to develop 156-space extension t lnotil~ hozr;t: park (former Carlson IS). 23. Clear View Home Furnishings to extend mobile horae park on Rothesay Ave. (former Carlson's). 24. Messrs. Whelly & Y-i'helly, Burris ters, 0 'behalf of Saint John Taxi UlImers Assoc. re making suggeationa for amondments to p ~sent Taxi B~~-Law. 25. A pplica tion of Dunhill Enterprises Ltd. for re-zoning 01' property on north side 01' Somerset St. 26. Application of Messrs. McKelvey, Macau ay, Machum & Fairweather, Barristers, for Moblam Corp., for re-zoning of land, Virgini Ave. & Bellevue Avc. to provide parking area. 27. Saint John Naturalists Club re mainte nce of the hazen or Hbd lieolu liarsh as a natural . area for wildlife. . 27A.Ai~8fli8~do~ Kt9sria aena & Teed, risters,for Gerald J.Ryan Co.Ltd.,for re-zoning of ~ 0 es mol" n · CITY MANAGER 28. Payment 01' invoice for crushing gravel Dexter). 29. Payment of invoices for equipment ren (Hatfield. & Chittick). 30. Departmentr.l reports: Fire Dept. (Oct. ; Recreation & Parks Dept. (July-Sept.); Police Dept. (Oct.). BALANCE OF CITY MANAGER'S ITEMS NOT AV IABIE UNTIL LATER DATE r -