1972-12-18_Agenda ---- , AGENDA CO}f{ON COU CIL - as at 15th December.. 1972 er 18 - prayer. 1. Meeting called to order, .00 .1:1. 2. Conf1:rmation of minutes (Dec. ll). 3. Mayor 'e remarlas. (per Mrs.L.B. 4. ~.50' p.lII. -Petition.. Ceciar Pt.. Trailer k residents,against rental increases(Reid i. 2.00 p.m. -1\. o. Pope Limited to show 0 use \-Thy building at 30 Johnston St. should not --- be removed or destrqyed as & dangerous or dilapidated building. 6. 5.00 p.m. - Arby' 5 Corp. Limited to show cause why building at 75 Dorchester St.should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 11.. 2.00 P:E!.!. - Estate of rlm.Hazen to sbow 0 use why building at 75 Dorchester St. should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 8.. 5.00 p.m. - Propert~T Finance Limited to hOVl cause why building at 66 Dorchester St. should not be removed or destroyed I sa dangerous or dilapidated building. i. 5.00 p.ril. - vlalter J. Fisher et ux to sh! vi cause ~'hy building at 66 Dorcc,cster St. should not be removed or destroyed. s a dangerous or dilapidated building. .10. 5.00 p.m. - Mortgage Services Limited to show cause why building at 263-265 Hain St. should not be removed or destroyed i s a dangerous or dialpidated building. ~. 5.00 P.Ll. - Kathleen MacLean to shOl.... ca e why building at 26)-265 Main St. should not be removed or destroyed as ad. gerous or dilapidated building. - Report from Building Inspect l' regarding above named properties. 12. Re Boxing Day. URBAN Rf:.Nl' 'AL 13. Request from Canadian Pacific Railways remove railway underpass,Chesley St. for replacement with a till underpass. 14. Committee of Whole report. 15. Recreation & Parks Advisory Board. re pro sed outdoor sldmning pool Qt Omega Housing project, Saint John East. 1'. City Hall Building CoDlllittee re proposed policy for purchasing art for City Hall. 1$. Planning Commission re proposal of Clear View Mobile Home Park to add one row of mobile home spaces to existing park during Dec ber.. 1972. 18. Planning Commission re paymtmt of outsta ng ba.lance of account to consultants re Comprehensive Community Plan, and re bi ing C.M.H.C. and Province re cost-sharing of same. lee Planning Commission re re-zoning to perr. t proposed. develorxnent of Phase I of McAllister Industrial Park. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS BOAR~~ 31. .3. G~L ZG. Re proposed pilotage increases (Councill r Green). 21. Re strike at Canada Wire & Cable Co. (Co .cillor Green). 22. Re proI*sed expenditure by School Board r repair and expansion of Saint John Vocational School. 23. Saint John District Labour Council advis to Saint John Board of Trade, as report 24. Offer of Allison H. Bonnell of land to 25. Otter of Hattie May Sutton of the "TOodla 26. John L. Green and Ronald. H. Ruseft petit South Bay, by City. 27. Petition, residents and taxpayers on }foG! sanded during \dnter. 28. Petition, residents of Owens Road, for sr wploughing and sarxling in winter storms. 29. Petition.. residents and. taxpayers on Wat,~ 100 Road, Martinon, to have road snowploughedand. sanded during winter. 30. Petition, property owners of Keating ltoa.cl South Bay, tor plo~ing and grading of road; and Offering land for said. purposes. ! Petition.. property owners of Westmount Ro d, tor ploughing and sanding of , road; ani for City to assume full responsibility for a repairs to said road. z. Pe~tion, residents of Spring Garden Reaq and Green Hill Road, requeflting City to take oyer these private roads as public streets; a for City to take action in 1973 budget to bring these roads up to the standard of 0 er Btreets in city. 33, Mr. Walter Whalen of Whalen Road, requoD~ ng that this private road be snowploughed. 34. Petition,pr~perty owners adjacent to "The Old Westfield Roadlt, requesting that City . I:: ~1~~~~~~',,:; 3... Margaret Ouellette, 2257 Ocean Westway, ot local tax zones to two. 36. Mrs. Frances Leger.. 234 Britain streot, building pennits. 37. Hr. Roy Hughes re hooking up electricity 0 trailer on Golden Grove property of PeaR Hughes. .38. Petrotina Canada Ltd. requesting re-zo Hickey Rd. and Loch Lemond Rd., on l'Ihich of opposition to transfer of Touris.t Dept. recently in newspaper. en Sutton Road.. Ketepec. road (a by-road Off"8 secondary road) , Ketepec. ning the taking over ot John Green Roadway, frY Road,Martinon, to have road snowploughed and CITY }fANA .39. Payment of invoice, equipuent rental, St hen Construction Co. Ltd. 40. Payment of 1nvoioe~ asphalt ani cold mix, Stephen Construdtion Co. Ltd.. 41. Payment of invoices, equipment rental (C tticks and Francis). of the easterly lot, intersection of new o building a 2-bBJ' service station. int John West, protesting recb&d'lon in number r" ,~ - 2 - 42. ProgresD payments re pro,iects under Departnent of Regional Economic Expansion programme. 43. Report re tenders for equipment rental. 44. Report re tenders for Motorized Equipment IV. l~5. Payment of progress claim No.4, Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau expansion. (J. Flood & Sons). 46. Payment of invoice, equipment rental, D. Hatfield Ltd. BAlANCE OF CITY MANAGER'S ITEMS TO BE AVAILABIJE SATURDAY , ~ ( -< ~ ~ .~ ..; " ~ ---c l" ~ ..~;.:. l:. b e .. ~- ..-""., . ~ -t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ .~ \ ~.V\.o