2017-11-20_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Monday, November 20, 2017 6:00 pm Council Chamber Please use Chipman Hill entrance S'il vous plait utiliser I'entree Chipman Hill Si vous avez besoin des services en francais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings - 6:30 p.m. 10. Consideration of By-laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 2018 Draft Operating Budget 1-23 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 1 Poeta Sy:1 15. General Correspondence 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, November 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en fran�ais pour une r6union de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of subsection 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act and Council / Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Legal Matter 10.2(4)(f) 1.2 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) K3 Qj (so L�J c 0 ^L W 0 V) C N 00 O CF) Ln N O M O r -I -e M LfI O M m O Lr LA Ln LnM � N 6O 00 O 00 ON O 00 00 � M Ln O Ln 00 a) l0 00 M N r,N c -I M M qj)' r-ILn r -I V)- V)- ll� 41� V), ri {j)- qj)' N N O CF) r, N O M O r -I M N O M G O LQ Lr�Ln O 00 ON M 00 00 Rt Ln rn 00 O Rt 00 Ol to 00 M N r --I N c -I M M v)' ri in r- N O Ln 00 �o O N OCF) -j to Ln o -j O Ln N Lr F 00 M O Rt 00 N ri r -I 00 r- Ln � 00 O 00 l0 M r-Ir14 O N N M M y�j} V) r -I iN i//� � O O ri r - LD wt M r- �t O M O L nr-I r, r, Ln CF) l -I to O N N r � EEv •UUl c -I 00 EE U Lr Ln rn RtO 00 L n N 00 O O0 o Rt Rt r, Ln Oi O Mt O Ln v a > `� o {j)- {j)- j) ' i/)- {j) - Q z a C� Ll a v 0 Ll W v r v o 3 _ a a OC a a C7 a 1= Ly U N O O ri r - LD wt M r- �t O M O L nr-I r, r, Ln CF) l -I to O N N r � EEv •UUl c -I 00 l6 Lr Ln rn RtO 00 L n N 00 O O0 o Rt Rt r, Ln Oi O Mt O Ln Rt � � N {j)- {j)- {j)- j) ' i/)- {j) - r14 r, lO O rl O -:1-O Ln ri r -I r M N r14LnRt 00 � EEv •UUl N M Ln O Ln rn RtO r,� M n az � to r- O0 � L r, Ln O Mt O LM Rt cr 00 N {j)- {� {j� j) ' i/)- {j) - Ln M OM r - N c I Ln N r14 rl 00 CF)CF) EEv •UUl N to Ln O Ln M O r,� r,� M az � to Rt N �O N r, Ln O rn LN Rt DO N {j)- {� {j� j) ' {j) - O Ln O Lf) ri Ln ri Q u EEv •UUl c EE Ln W az � v a a a U 0 O Ln O Lf) ri Ln ri Q u O 0- O O O O O Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln LF N e r -I r -I M r, Ln Ln O l0 cr O� al Ql rN-I N N Ln r -I M Ln al O M N r -I r -I t/} 4 O o p o 0 r -I N N Ql M l0 0 r- r- r -I r -I r -I r -I l0 O O al r -I O M I:t O rr 11% OO M O O O O 00 O O 8 M0 00 � Orl M M M M M O O O O O al Ln M I� r--� rl Ql M Ql LIl O O 1 I� 4 OM M M r. -I a) Lnrr-I QMl rr 6 & 6 N Nr N -I r -I r�-I r�-I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I Ql I� Ln Ln l0 l0 M o0 N M O M I- r -I N 00 00 cr I� N r--� r--� r- M 00 :tO -zF M O l0 I� 00 od N N r -I M Q a � � J a c 06 0 ~ E a >- �, `° .- �, c p Ln p uco 0 o2S � ai E C a a� a� a a) Ln +� Q . c � Ln �_ H b +� - u _ 4 O V O n3 c n3 n3 c a) c c Co ca V a iz (D H H iz W 0 CL V 2� w a N Ln Jo Z W E C:0 LU I V�� 0 0 Q. tJ) LTJ L Ln E a) 4-J L O 0L L O U The City of Saint John December 31, 2016 The City of Saint John GENERAL OPERATING FUND City of Saint John 2018 Budget REVENUES Property taxes Equalization & Unconditional Grant Surplus 2nd previous year Growth & Community Development Services Public Safety Services Transportation & Environment Services Finance & Administrative Services Corporate Services 2017 2018 2018 2018 Approved Proposed Budget Draft Budget Adjustments Budget 120,853,074 120,853,074 - 120,853,074 20,225,932 17,205,932 - 17,205,932 416,472 1,338,515 - 1,338,515 2,815,150 2,439,271 64,300 2,503,571 2,013,605 1,887,022 - 1,887,022 3,884,188 3,982,308 - 3,982,308 3,678,046 3,649,986 - 3,649,986 135,000 85,000 - 85,000 TOTAL REVENUES 154,021,467 151,441,108 64,300 151,505,408 EXPENDITURES Growth & Community Development Services 10,452,225 10,443,172 (201,239) 10,241,933 Public Safety Services 52,636,773 53,338,107 (2,500,000) 50,838,107 Transportation & Environment Services 43,405,710 43,743,346 (1,696,692) 42,046,654 Finance & Administrative Services 9,727,929 9,500,420 (2,213) 9,498,207 Corporate Services 8,567,973 8,613,128 (147,831) 8,465,297 Other Charges 29,230,857 30,559,550 (144,340) 30,415,210 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 154,021,467 156,197,723 (4,692,315) 151,505,408 General Fund Surplus (Deficit) - (4,756,615) 4,756,615 - 1 17 The City of Saint John December 31, 2016 iF:3 The City of Saint John 2018 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET City of Saint John 2018 Budget 2017 2018 2018 Approved Draft 2018 Proposed Budget Budget Adjustments Budget REVENUES Property taxes 120,853,074 120,853,074 - 120,853,074 Equalization & Unconditional Grant 20,225,932 17,205,932 - 17,205,932 Surplus 2nd previous year 416,472 1,338,515 - 1,338,515 Growth & Community Development Services 2,815,150 2,439,271 64,300 2,503,571 Public Safety Services 2,013,605 1,887,022 - 1,887,022 Transportation & Environment Services 3,884,188 3,982,308 - 3,982,308 Finance & Administrative Services 3,678,046 3,649,986 - 3,649,986 Corporate Services 135,000 85,000 - 85,000 TOTAL REVENUES 154,021,467 151,441,108 64,300 151,505,408 EXPENDITURES Growth & Community Development Services Growth & Community Planning Services Growth & Community Planning Services 1,777,370 1,770,605 - 1,770,605 One Stop Development Shop Services 450,000 350,000 (350,000) - Heritage Conservation 200,289 191,551 (45,000) 146,551 Permitting & Inpection Service & By -Law 135,000 270,000 (270,000) - Compliance 2,064,770 2,156,170 (87,241) 2,068,929 Infrastructure Development 530,240 525,393 - 525,393 4,572,669 4,643,719 (132,241) 4,511,478 Economic Development Service Economic development agencies Economic Development Agencies 507,500 - - - Growth Reserve Fund 450,000 350,000 (350,000) - Regional Economic Development (Enterprise) 237,500 475,000 - 475,000 Saint John Development Corporation 135,000 270,000 (270,000) - Develop Saint John - - 821,002 821,002 Saint John Industrial Parks 135,000 270,000 (270,000) - Destination Marketing Organization 1,033,495 1,033,495 - 1,033,495 2,498,495 2,398,495 (68,998) 2,329,497 Saint John Trade and Convention Centre 616,635 638,899 - 638,899 Harbour Station 485,880 483,513 - 483,513 Urban Development Service Market Square - Common Area 1&61 3,601,010 3,520,907 2,278,546 2,278,546 (68,998) 3,451,909 2,278,546 1 The City of Saint John 2018 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET City of Saint John 2018 Budget 2017 2018 2018 Approved Draft 2018 Proposed Budget Budget Adjustments Budget Total Growth & Community Development Services 10,452,225 10,443,172 (201,239) 10,241,933 Public Safety Services 5,731,830 (61,477) 5,670,353 1,403,894 Fire Rescue and Suppression Service 21,937,187 21,615,311 (1,250,000) 20,365,311 Water Supply and Hydrants 2,300,000 2,300,000 - 2,300,000 Emergency Management Service 320,983 300,424 - 300,424 Police Services 24,769,759 25,752,293 (1,250,000) 24,502,293 Public Safety Communications 2,371,544 2,427,079 - 2,427,079 Street Lighting 937,300 943,000 - 943,000 Total Public Safety Service 52,636,773 53,338,107 (2,500,000) 50,838,107 Transportation & Environment Service Roadway Maintenance Service Snow Control Streets Street Cleaning Utility Cuts Street Services - Surface Maintenance Sidewalk Maintenance Service Snow Control Sidewalk Sidewalk Maintenance Pedestrian & Traffic Management Service Stormwater Management Solid Waste Management Engineering Parks & City Landscape 5,940,136 5,731,830 (61,477) 5,670,353 1,403,894 1,337,980 - 1,337,980 582,489 748,350 - 748,350 4,965,921 4,967,461 - 4,967,461 12,892,440 12,785,621 1,223,403 1,222,952 844,865 780,194 (61,477) 12,724,144 1,222,952 780,194 2,068,268 2,003,146 - 2,003,146 2,449,894 2,511,958 (282,390) 2,229,568 3,612,287 3,762,284 (165,000) 3,597,284 3,760,728 3,768,178 - 3,768,178 615,537 533,678 - 533,678 Parks Maintenance 2,797,147 2,802,598 (472,003) 2,330,595 Lifeguards 164,000 170,000 - 170,000 Urban Forestry 321,347 306,691 - 306,691 Mispec 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 Saint John Horticultural Association 40,000 40,000 - 40,000 2 K91 3,327,494 3,324,289 (472,003) 2,852,286 Sports & Recreation Facilities Service Arena Operation and Maintenance 1,471,145 1,537,179 - 1,537,179 Sportsfield Operation and Maintenance 1,225,325 1,319,091 - 1,319,091 Other Facility Operation and Maintenance 397,279 434,602 - 434,602 2 K91 The City of Saint John 2018 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET City of Saint John 2018 Budget 2017 2018 2018 Approved Draft 2018 Proposed Budget Budget Adjustments Budget Minor Hockey Subsidy 173,000 173,000 - 173,000 Aquatic Clubs 15,822 15,822 (15,822) - Lord Beaverbrook Rink 159,100 159,382 - 159,382 Aquatic Centre 505,431 464,820 - 464,820 3,947,102 4,103,896 (15,822) 4,088,074 Neighbourhood Improvement Community Development 327,535 521,352 (45,759) 475,593 Neighbourhood Development 152,000 152,000 - 152,000 Loch Lomond Community Centre 45,000 45,000 - 45,000 PRO Kids 151,280 129,778 - 129,778 675,815 848,130 (45,759) 802,371 Community Development Service Grants Community Grant Program 179,721 179,721 - 179,721 Library 478,579 488,150 - 488,150 658,300 667,871 - 667,871 Recreation, Parks and Cultural Programming Recreation Programming 869,068 700,086 (154,241) 545,845 Contracted Service - Boys and Girls Club 129,911 133,838 - 133,838 Contracted Service - YMCA-FGCC/MCC 159,085 162,751 - 162,751 Contracted Service - North End Community Centre 144,795 160,568 - 160,568 PlaySJ Recreation Programming Grant 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 1,317,859 1,172,243 (154,241) 1,018,002 Parking Service (Administration Support) 602,655 583,943 - 583,943 Parking Commission Grant - Property Tax 89,525 - - - Transit Service 7,387,806 7,678,109 (500,000) 7,178,109 Total Transportation & Environment Service 43,405,710 43,743,346 (1,696,692) 42,046,654 Finance and Administrative Services Financial Management Service Finance 1,710,083 1,782,309 (35,986) 1,746,323 Assessment 1,313,473 1,313,473 - 1,313,473 Asset Management Purchasing & Materials Management Insurance Service Liability Insurance 21 3,023,556 3,095,782 1,096,765 269,477 304,000 1,115,837 212,683 304,000 (35,986) 3,059,796 1,115,837 (63,225) 149,458 304,000 3 The City of Saint John 2018 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET City of Saint John 2018 Budget 2017 2018 2018 Approved Draft 2018 Proposed Budget Budget Adjustments Budget Facilities Management 1,186,178 1,167,653 106,000 1,273,653 City Market 1,033,746 1,084,324 - 1,084,324 Carpenter Shop 335,329 351,431 - 351,431 City Hall Building 2,139,261 1,842,991 100,000 1,942,991 Real Estate 339,617 325,719 (109,002) 216,717 6.704.373 6.404.638 33.773 6.438.411 Total Finance and Administrative Services 9,727,929 9,500,420 (2,213) 9,498,207 Corporate Services 604,637 529,137 - City Manager 666,266 692,386 - 692,386 Legal Department 739,942 746,406 - 746,406 Common Clerk 642,938 685,499 (140,578) 544,921 Cultural Affairs 119,688 110,754 (15,511) 95,243 Arts & Culture Grants and Other Funding 456,889 453,699 10,000 Imperial Theatre 348,401 348,401 - 348,401 Saint John Arts Centre 84,236 84,236 - 84,236 Arts & Culture Board 70,000 70,000 - 70,000 Public Art - Maintenance and Repair 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 ECMA 75,000 - - - Remembrance Day Ceremonies 2,000 1,500 - 1,500 New Year/Canada Day Celebrations 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 679.057 649.203 - 649.203 Total Corporate Services 8,567,973 8,613,128 (147,831) 8,465,297 Other Charges Fiscal Charges 16,449,786 16,709,579 - 16,709,579 4 WA 604,637 529,137 - 529,137 Human Resources 1,514,635 1,463,712 (22,123) 1,441,589 Strategy, Continuous Improvement & Performance Reporting 566,643 467,799 99,684 567,483 Corporate Communications 456,889 453,699 10,000 463,699 Information Technology 2,204,371 2,313,268 (79,303) 2,233,965 Geographic Information Systems 348,680 466,996 - 466,996 Regional Services Commission 24,227 34,269 - 34,269 Mayor & Council Mayor's Office 185,037 176,000 - 176,000 Council 494,020 473,203 - 473,203 679.057 649.203 - 649.203 Total Corporate Services 8,567,973 8,613,128 (147,831) 8,465,297 Other Charges Fiscal Charges 16,449,786 16,709,579 - 16,709,579 4 WA The City of Saint John 2018 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET City of Saint John 2018 Budget 2017 2018 2018 Approved Draft 2018 Proposed Budget Budget Adjustments Budget Long Term Disability 993,000 958,000 - 958,000 Pension 9,124,000 9,288,000 - 9,288,000 PILT Adjustment 101,362 - - - Capital from Operating 467,687 467,687 - 467,687 Others 2,095,022 3,136,284 (144,340) 2,991,944 Total Other Charges 29,230,857 30,559,550 (144,340) 30,415,210 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 154,021,467 156,197,723 (4,692,315) 151,505,408 General Fund Surplus (Deficit) - (4,756,615) 4,756,615 - 5 w