Street Closing By-law Amendment Millidge Ave. PID: A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN NID: ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA CIRCULA TION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Lors d'une reunion du conseil Council of The City of Saint John as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit: 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John", enacted on the twenty-first day of September, AD. 1970, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 186 immediately after Section 185 thereof, as follows: 1 Par les presentes, l'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, <<L'arrete sur l'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The city of Saint John >>, decrete Ie 21 septembre 1970, est modifie par l'ajout de l'article 186 immediatement apres l'article 185, comme suit: 186 The City of Saint John does hereby 186 Par les presentes, The City of Saint stop up and close permanently the John barre et ferme de fa90n permanente la following portion of highway: portion d'une route suivante : MILLIDGE A VENUE: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southwestern side of Millidge Avenue with a southeastern boundary of Lot 83-3 shown on a subdivision plan filed in the Saint John County Registry Office as Plan #1476. Thence on a New Brunswick grid azimuth of 148 degrees, 23 minutes and 50 seconds along the aforementioned southwestern side of Millidge Avenue, a distance of3.55 metres to a point on the northwest face of an existing building, said point having New Brunswick grid coordinate values of easting 331166.894 metres and northing 666812.320 metres (ATS 77). Thence on an azimuth of 64 degrees, 53 minutes and 30 seconds and following the northwest face of the aforementioned existing building, a distance of 2.51 metres to the northeast face of the aforementioned building. Thence on an azimuth of 154 degrees, 57 minutes and 40 seconds along the A VENUE MILLIDGE La totalite de la parcelle de terrain situee dans The City of Saint John, dans Ie comte de Saint John et dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick etant plus particulierement decrite comme suit: Partant de l'intersection du cote sud-ouest de l'avenue Millidge avec la limite sud-est du lot 83-3, delimite sur Ie plan de lotissement depose au bureau de l'enregistrement pour Ie comte de Saint John, sous Ie plan nO 1476. De la, sur un azimut, selon les coordonnees graticulaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, de cent quarante-huit degres (1480), vingt-trois minutes (23') et cinquante secondes (50"), longeant Ie cote sud-ouest susmentionne de l'avenue Millidge, sur une distance de 3,55 metres jusqu'a un point situe sur la fa9ade nord-ouest d'un batiment existant, ledit point ayant pour coordonnees graticulaires du Nouveau-Brunswick E331 166,894 metres et N666 812,320 metres (ATS 77). De la, sur un azimut de soixante-quatre degres (640), cinquante-trois minutes (53') et trente secondes (30"), suivant la fa9ade nord-ouest du batiment existant susmentionne, sur une distance de 2,51 metres, jusqu'a la fa9ade nord-est du batiment susmentionne. De la, sur un azimut de cent cinquante- quatre degres (1540), cinquante-sept northeastern face of an existing building, a distance of 6.4 7 metres to the southeastern face of said building. Thence on an azimuth of 244 degrees, 53 minutes and 30 seconds along the southeast face of said building, a distance of 1.77 metres to the southwestern side of Millidge Avenue. Thence on an azimuth of 328 degrees, 23 minutes and 50 seconds, a distance of 6.51 metres to the place of beginning. A tract of land containing an area of 17 square metres and being a tract of land encompassing a portion of a structure encroaching on Millidge Avenue being more particularly shown on a Building Location Survey, Millidgeville Heights Subdivision, Lot 2, Block "4", Civic No. 953 Millidge Avenue, City of Saint John, County of Saint John, Province of New Brunswick, prepared by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. on July 13, 1988. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 19th day of December, AD. 2005 and signed by: minutes (57') et quarante secondes (40"), longeant la fa9ade nord-est d'un batiment existant, sur une distance de 6,47 metres jusqu'a la fa9ade sud-est dudit batiment. De la, sur un azimut de deux cent quarante- quatre degres (2440), cinquante-trois minutes (53') et trente secondes (30"), longeant la fa9ade sud-est dudit batiment, sur une distance de 1,77 metres jusqu'au cote sud-ouest de l'avenue Millidge. De la, sur un azimut de trois cent vingt-huit degres (3280), vingt-trois minutes (23') et cinquante secondes (50"), sur une distance de 6,51 metres jusqu'au point de depart. Une etendue de terrain comprenant une superficie de 17 metres carres, soit une etendue de terrain englobant une partie d'une construction empietant sur l'avenue Millidge, etant plus particulierement delimitee sur Ie plan d'emplacement de batiments relatif au lotissement Millidgeville, lot nO 2, bloc nO << 4 >>, a l'adresse municipale 953, avenue Millidge, City of Saint John, Comte de Saint John, province du Nouveau-Brunswick, dresse par Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd., Ie 13 juillet 1988. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 19 decembre 2005, avec les signatures suivantes Deputy Mayor/Maire Suppleant Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - December 5,2005 Second Reading - December 5,2005 Third Reading - December 19,2005 Premiere lecture - 5 decembre 2005 Deuxieme lecture - 5 decembre 2005 Troisieme lecture - 19 decembre 2005