Salvage Corps and Fire Police BY-LAW NUMBER C-2 A LAW RELATING TO THE SALVAGE CORPS AND FIRE POLICE OF THE SAINT JOHN FIRE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has organized and established, under the provisions of the Laws relating thereto, a Salvage Corps and Fire Police, and have united them as one body, under the name of the Salvage Corps and Fire Police of the Saint John Fire Department; AND WHEREAS it has been deemed expedient that the said corps should consist of so many companies as the said Common Council may think from time to time to be desirable and necessary: ARRETE NUMERO C-2 ARRETE CONCERNANT LE SERVICE DE PROTECTION ET LE SERVICE DE POLICE- INCENDIE DU SERVICE D'INCENDIE DE SAINT JOHN ATTENDU que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a constitue, en vertu des lois afferentes, un service de protection et un service de police-incendie et qu'il les a reunis en une seule entite designee Ie Service de protection et de police-incendie du service d'incendie de Saint John; ET ATTENDU qu'il a ete juge utile que ce service soit constitue du nombre de compagnies que Ie conseil communal estime souhaitable et necessaire : BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED by The City of The City of Saint John, par la voix de son conseil Saint John, in Common Council convened, as communal reuni, EDICTE : follows: 1 The Salvage Corps and Fire Police of the 1 Le Service de protection et de police- Saint John Fire Department shall consist of such incendie du service d'incendie de Saint John se and so many companies composed of such and so compose des compagnies du nombre de celles-ci et many persons each, as the Common Council may des effectifs que fixe Ie conseil communal. from time to time determine. 2 The Common Council of The City of Saint 2 Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John shall from time to time, by resolution, define John definit au besoin, par voie de resolution, les the district over which each such Company shall districts desservis par les diverses compagnies. have control. 3 Each member of the Corps shall be 3 Tous les membres du Service sont nommes appointed by the Common Council and shall par Ie conseil communal, qui leur delivre un receive a warrant of appointment under the mandat de nomination frappe du sceau communal, Common Seal, and shall be sworn to the faithful pretent serment de loyal exercice de leurs fonctions discharge of duty before the Mayor or one of the devant Ie maire ou l'un des conseillers municipaux Councillors of this City, before entering upon the avant d' entrer en service et demeurent en service au duties of his office, and shall hold such gre du conseil communal. Le conseil communal appointment during pleasure of the Common nomme chaque annee, au mois de janvier, Ie Council, and the Common Council shall annually, capitaine de chaque compagnie ainsi que son in the month of January, appoint one of the lieutenant, choisis par voie d'election par les members of each Company to be the Captain membres respectifs des compagnies et thereof, and another to be the Lieutenant thereof, recommandes par Ie chef du service d'incendie de upon the election by each company and the The City of Saint John. recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department of The City of Saint John. 4 The Captain of each Company of the 4 Le capitaine de chacune des compagnies du Salvage Corps and Fire Police of the Saint John Service de protection et de police-incendie du I Fire Department shall have the care and charge of service d'incendie de Saint John a la garde du the equipment and outfit for the use of his materiel dont dispose sa compagnie et est Company, as the same may be from time to time responsable devant Ie chef du service d'incendie de provided and furnished for the same, and shall be The City of Saint John du bon entretien et de l'etat responsible to the Chief of the Fire Department of de ce materiel. The City of Saint John for the proper keeping and condition of the same. 5 The Common Council shall provide rooms 5 Le conseil communal fournit les locaux for the meetings of the different companies of the pour les reunions des differentes compagnies du Corps. Service. 6 It shall be the duty of each member of the Corps, on an alarm, or on the breaking out of any fire in the City within the District over which his Company has control, to proceed with all dispatch to the place where the fire may be, and there place himself under the command of the officer who may be in charge of his Company, and to obey all orders which he may receive for the execution of his duty, and to perform all other duties imposed on him by law, and to act promptly and efficiently in the protection and salvage of property and in the preventing of offences during the time of every such fire. 7 The said Salvage Corps and Fire Police of the Saint John Fire Department may, subject to the approval of the Common Council, from time to time, make rules and regulations for the internal economy and management of the Corps, one copy of such rules to be deposited in the office of the Common Clerk of the City. 8 A by-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the sixth day of April, 1898 entitled "A Law Relating To The Fire Police And Salvage Corps Of The City Of Saint John" and all amendments thereto is repealed on the coming into force of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 12th day of September, A.D. 2005 and signed by: 6 Chaque membre du Service a Ie devoir, des reception d'une alerte d'incendie ou des qu'un incendie s'est declare dans la municipalite, dans Ie district desservi par sa compagnie, de se rendre promptement sur les lieux du sinistre et, rendu a destination, de se placer sous les ordres de l'officier responsable de sa compagnie, d' obeir a tous les ordres qu'il peut y recevoir relativement a l'execution de ses fonctions, de remplir toutes autres fonctions prevues par la loi et de voir promptement et efficacement a la protection et a la sauvegarde des biens ainsi qu'a la prevention des infractions pendant la duree de l'incendie. 7 Le Service de protection et de police- incendie du service d'incendie de Saint John peut, sous reserve de I' approbation du conseil communal, etablir des reglements concernant sa regie et sa gestion internes, un exemplaire de ces reglements devant etre depose au bureau du greffier communal de la municipalite. 8 L'arrete de The City of Saint John edicte Ie 6 avril 1898 et intitule A Law Relating To The Fire Police And Salvage Corps Of The City Of Saint John, ensemble ses modifications, est abroge des l'entree en vigueur du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 12 septembre 2005, avec les signatures suivantes : 2 First Reading Second Reading Third Reading Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal - August 15,2005 - September 12, 2005 - September 12, 2005 Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture 3 - 15 aout, 2005 - 12 septembre, 2005 - 12 septembre, 2005