Parking - Relief from Maintenance of Off-Street ParkingBY-LAW NUMBER PG13 A BY-LAW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF SECTION 19 OF THE SAINT JOHN PARKING COMMISSION ACT IN RESPECT OF RELIEF TO OWNERS FROM THE PROVISION OR MAINTENANCE OF OFF-STREET PARKING FACILITIES ARRETE N° PG13 ARRETE PRIS EN VERTU DE L'ARTICLE 19 DE LA LOI INTITULEE SAINT JOHN PARKING COMMISSION ACT CONCERNANT L'EXEMPTION ACCORDEE AUX PROPRIETAIRES RELATIVEMENT A LA FOURNITURE OU A L'ENTRETIEN D'INSTALLATIONS DE STATIONNEMENT HORS RUE Be it enacted by the Common Council of Le conseil communal de The City of Saint The City of Saint John as follows: John edicte : 1 The Common Council may authorize agreements with owners of buildings or structures to be erected, re-constructed or structurally altered to provide relief, to the extent set out in the agreement, from the provision of section 850 of The City of Saint John Zoning By-law and exempting such owners to the extent specified in such agreement, from the necessity of providing or maintaining off-street parking facilities. 1 Le conseil communal peut autoriser la conclusion d'ententes avec des proprietaires d'immeubles ou de structures a eriger, a reconstruire ou a modifier visant a les soustraire aux dispositions de Particle 850 de Parrete intitule Arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John et a les exempter de 1'obligation de fournir ou d'entretenir des installations de stationnement hors rue. 2 Every agreement referred to in section 1 shall provide for the payment to the City of a sum of money set out either in a lump sum or by installments, together with interest at a rate therein specified, and shall set forth the basis upon which the payment is computed, but in no event shall payment be deferred for a period longer than five years. 3 All monies received by the City may be paid to the Saint John Parking Commission and shall be used only for the development of municipal off-street parking facilities. 4 Any agreement referred to in section 1 may be registered against the land affected thereby and when so registered the amounts payable under such an agreement until paid shall be a lien or charge upon the lands described therein and may be collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as provided by the Saint John City Assessment Act, 1948 for the collection of real estate taxes, and, upon payment in full of the monies to be paid under the agreement or upon termination of the agreement, there shall be registered a certificate from the Common Clerk of the City stating that the monies to be paid under the 2 Toute entente visee a 1'article 1 prevoit le paiement a The City of Saint John d'une somme d'argent, en un seul versement ou en versements echelonnes, a laquelle s'ajoute un interet au taux prescrit dans 1'entente. L'entente precise egalement la methode de calcul du paiement, lequel ne peut en aucun cas etre differe plus de cinq ans. 3 Toutes les sommes per~ues par The City of Saint John peuvent etre versees a la Commission sur le stationnement de The City of Saint John et ne servent qu'a 1'amenagement d'installations municipales de stationnement hors rue. 4 Toute entente evoquee a 1'article 1 peut etre enregistree contre le bien-fonds vise, auquel cas les sommes exigibles et impayees en vertu de 1'entente grevent le bien-fonds d'un privilege ou d'une charge et peuvent etre recouvrees de la meme fa~on et au moyen des memes recours que ceux prevus dans la loi intitulee Saint .Iohn City Assessment Act, 1948, relativement a la perception des impots fonciers. Sur reglement integral des sommes dues en application de 1'entente ou sur resiliation de 1'entente, un certificat du greffier communal de The City of Saint John est enregistre, confirmant que les sommes ont ete payees 1 agreement have been fully paid or that the integralement ou que 1'entente a ete resiliee, selon agreement has been terminated as the case may be. le cas. 5 A by-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the thirteenth day of April, 1971 entitled "A By- law Under The Authority Of Section 19 Of The Saint John Parking Commission Act In Respect Of Relief To Owners From The Provision Or Maintenance Of Off-Street Parking Facilities" and all amendments thereto is repealed on the coming into force of this by-law. 5 L'arrete de The City of Saint John edicte le 13 avril 1971 et intitule A By-law Under The Authority Of Section 19 Of The Saint .Iohn Parking Commission Act In Respect Of Relief To Owners From The Provision Or Maintenance Of Off-Street Parking Facilities, ensemble ses modifications, est abroge des 1'entree en vigueur du present arrete. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Corporate Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 15t'' day of March, A.D. 2004 and signed by: EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 15 mars 2004, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - March 1, 2004 Premiere lecture Second Reading - March 15, 2004 Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - March 15, 2004 Troisieme lecture - le 1 mars 2004 - le 15 mars 2004 - le 15 mars 2004